首页 > 解决方案 > GIT MERGE 将一个 repo 与另一个 repo 中的文件夹合并,而不会丢失历史记录


我有两个存储库,假设 Repo A 和 Repo B 的结构如下所示:

Repo A (there are many files in each repo. I am just showing 2 files for example):
  |---Test1.cs  (It has some changes made by X Developer)
  |---Test2.cs  (It has some changes made by X Developer)

Repo B:
       |---Test1.cs  (It has some changes made by Y Developer)
       |---Test2.cs  (It has some changes made by Y Developer)

我想在不丢失历史记录的情况下将文件从 Repo A 合并(或变基)到 Repo B/src。合并后,当我查看历史记录时,我想查看 Developer X 和 Y 的更改。这可能吗?如果是,请指导我如何做到这一点。

我查看了其他 SO 帖子并尝试添加远程仓库...等。但这些并未涵盖这种情况。我的 GIT 版本是 2.21.0。

标签: gitmergerebaseremote-repository


您可以为此使用普通合并,但您必须使用merge --allow-unrelated-histories以允许不相关的历史合并。


cd target-repository
# we work on master
git checkout master
# add the repository as a remote
git remote add other /path/to/source-repo
# fetch the remote repository, which will create other/master
git fetch other
# merge the histories, specifiy --allow-unrelated-histories to avoid the related history check
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories other/master

