首页 > 解决方案 > Issue with Google sign in and scopes while developing spreadsheets


I am developing a spreadsheet script for a game I play.

Its been 3 weeks I'm working on it and everything was running smoothly and ran all my tests and verification successfully. Then yesterday when I wake up I started to get this message when trying to run the functions I've created: enter image description here

When I read trough the docs here: https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/7454865?hl=en It says I don't need verification while building an app.

If someone as an idea and/or a link i can refer to about this kind of issues when building scripts(not use other people ones) or explain me whats causing my issue it would be greatly appreciated.

[ edit: I've found where/what was the issue but I really dont understand it. Here's the code that activated "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.container.ui" Oauth scope:

function loadAxieIventory() {
 //show head off
 showHead = false;
//axie template
 axieTemp_ = axieTemp3_; //(change the value of the function in the actual function)
//get axie inventory with 
//parts inventory

I really don't understand whats different with this function from my other function so that it activate an other scope. Also the function is not finish yet and pretty much does nothing at this stage. ]

Regards Guillaume.

标签: google-apps-script




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