首页 > 解决方案 > 删除到期日期在给定日期之后的所有产品


我有一个Date类,它具有 _day、_month 和 _year 属性。我还有一个FoodItem类,它的一个属性是项目的到期日期。(来自类型Date

现在,我正在创建一种方法,以从FoodItemnamed数组中删除_stock其到期日期在作为参数传递的 Date 之后的所有项目。

这是一项任务,因此我可能不会使用任何高级 Java 对象,例如 ArrayLists。

我可以使用的两种方法,位于类 Date 是beforeafter

public boolean before(Date other) {
        if (_year < other.getYear())
            return true;
        if (_month < other.getMonth() && _year == other.getYear())
            return true;
        if (_day < other.getDay() && _month == other.getMonth() && _year == other.getYear())
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean after(Date other) {
        return other.before(this);


public void removeAfterDate(Date d)
        for(int i = 0; i <_noOfFoodItems; i++)
            /*if item's expiry date is after the given date,
             it will be deleted*/
            if (_stock[i].getExpiryDate().before(d) /*also tried _stock[i].getExpiryDate().after(d), d.before(_stock[i].getExpiryDate()) and d.after(_stock[i].getExpiryDate())*/)
    private void fillHoles(int index)
        //since the function deletes an item, the _noOfFoodItems counter should go down by 1
        /*this will place each item, starting from the given index,
        * one location in the array before where it currently is.
        * this action will override the item that need to be deleted, while
        * filling the "holes" created in the array becuse of the deleted item*/
        for (int i = index; i < _noOfFoodItems; i++)
            _stock[i] = _stock[i + 1];
            _stock[i + 1] = null;


new Test("removeAfterDate()", () -> {
                Date date1 = new Date(1, 1, 2000);
                Date date2 = new Date(1, 2, 2000);
                Date date3 = new Date(1, 3, 2000);
                Date date4 = new Date(1, 4, 2000);
                FoodItem fi1 = new FoodItem("Name1", 1001, 1, date1,/*expiary date:*/ date2, 1, 10, 5);
                //only this one should stay
                FoodItem fi2_fresh = new FoodItem("Name2", 1002, 1, date1, /*expiary date:*/ date4, 5, 10, 5);
                FoodItem fi3 = new FoodItem("Name3", 1003, 1, date1,/*expiary date:*/ date2, 1, 10, 5);
                FoodItem fi4 = new FoodItem("Name4", 1004, 1, date1,/*expiary date:*/ date2, 1, 10, 5);
                //this is the class removeAfterDate is located in
                Stock actual = new Stock();
                // this just add the items to the _stock array

                //line 145
                assertEquals(actual, new FoodItem[]{fi2_fresh});
                //line 147
                assertEquals(actual.getNumOfItems(), 1);


removeAfterDate(): 2 errors
        At line 145: Expected:
[FoodItem: Name2    CatalogueNumber: 1002   ProductionDate: 01/01/2000  ExpiryDate: 01/04/2000  Quantity: 1
But got:
[FoodItem: Name2    CatalogueNumber: 1002   ProductionDate: 01/01/2000  ExpiryDate: 01/04/2000  Quantity: 1
FoodItem: Name4 CatalogueNumber: 1004   ProductionDate: 01/01/2000  ExpiryDate: 01/02/2000  Quantity: 1

        At line 147: Expected 1 but got 2


标签: javaarrays

