首页 > 解决方案 > Whoami doesn't change in GCP after I run gcloud auth login


I am learning GCP and have the following question in regarding copying object into a bucket.

In Cloudshell I ran gsutil cp earthquakes.* gs://welynx-test1 and errored out:

Copying file://earthquakes.csv [Content-Type=text/csv]...
AccessDeniedException: 403 Insufficient Permission 

I am logged in via SSH already so I checked the identity with whoami

xenonxie@instance-1:~/training-data-analyst/CPB100/lab2b$ whoami

And then I proceeded with editing the bucket's permission:

enter image description here

I added an email address to the Storage Admin member.

I then run gcloud auth login, and was prompted a link and clicking on the link takes me to browser where I log in with an email address, and then I will get a verification code to paste back to SSH window, and then became logged in as that email user:

You are now logged in as [xenonxie @ gmail.com]. Your current project is [rock-perception-263016]. You can change this setting by running: $ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

Question1: What I don't understand is: I still see the same whoami as below:

xenonxie@instance-1:~/training-data-analyst/CPB100/lab2b$ whoami

Because I added the email in bucket permission as Storage Admin, I am able to save object into that bucket.


I believe it is not needed to be Storage Admin, all I want is to write an object into that bucket. What is the best practice to do that?

Thank you very much.

标签: google-cloud-platformgoogle-cloud-storagebucket


问题 1”: 您会看到相同的whoami结果,因为该命令是在实例的 shell 上运行的,因此它正在回答实例 1 上的会话。

问题2: 是的,你是对的。如果您使用最小权限原则,因为存储管理员是一个具有比所需更多权限的角色,这不是最佳选择。




要查看正在使用的 Google Cloud Platform 帐户,您可以使用gcloud auth list并在您下方获得一个帐户列表,其中一个将被标记为活动。标记为活动的那个是正在使用的那个。
