首页 > 解决方案 > Kony Web Application is having Object.wait() on Concurrent Service Calls


While executing a performance test of 150 users using SilkMeter for Kony Web Application, we came across a strange behavior where services are held on wait state on the doFilter method.

The application is running on IBM WebSphere 8.5.10 and web thread is configured as min 50 and max 800. The issue is when we increase the number of users, the wait() method is also increasing in time. Below is a screen captured from Dynatrace. [![Dynatrace report][1]][1]

We tried many methods but couldn't get rid of this wait method. Any suggestions?

标签: javawebspherejava.util.concurrenttemenos-quantumdynatrace


这是在 7.3.0 版本中测试的 Kony 的预期行为。当每小时的交易量增加时,就会发生这种情况。当有很多服务器点击时,由于kdw,我们可以看到等待时间。如果这增加超过 5 秒,那么最好减少丝绸计的事务和思考时间。Kony 支持 1 个 CPU 和 8 GB 内存每秒 35 个请求。如图所示,超过此值将增加等待时间。
