首页 > 解决方案 > 在 JavaScript 中检查链表是否为回文


我在 JavaScript 中编写了以下函数来检查单链表是否是回文。但是,我在 10 次测试中有 2 次失败,我不知道为什么。


  1. l: [0, 1, 0]
  2. l: [1, 1000000000, -1000000000, -1000000000, 1000000000, 1]

对于回文,两者都应该返回 true,但我的函数返回 false。


    function isListPalindrome(l) {
    let curr = l;
    let arr = [];
    if (l == null)
        return true;
    // push all elements of l into the stack.
    // a stack in JS is an array.
    while(curr != null){
        // move ahead:
        curr = curr.next;
    let curr2 = l;
    // Traverse the list again & check by popping from the stack:
    while(curr2 != null){
        // get the top most element on the stack:
        let num = arr.shift();
        // check if the node data isn't the same as the element popped:
        if (curr2.value != num){
            return false;
        // move ahead:
        curr2 = curr2.next;
    return true;


标签: javascriptlinked-listsingly-linked-listpalindrome


在第一个 while 循环中,您正在推动l.valuel没有递增,因此它将相同的值推送到arr

你现在有arr,它应该是l反向的。在第二个 while 循环中,而不是使用arr.shift()使用arr.pop()这将从arr堆栈中取出第一个元素。请记住,堆栈是先进后出的。



function isListPalindrome(l) {
  let curr = l;
  let arr = [];

  if (l == null)
      return true;

  // push all elements of l into the stack.
  // a stack in JS is an array.
  while(curr != null){

    // move ahead:
    curr = curr.next;

  let curr2 = l;
  let length = arr.length;
  // Traverse the list again & check by popping from the stack:
  while(curr2 != null){

    // get the top most element on the stack:
    let lastNum = arr.pop();

    // check if the node data isn't the same as the element popped:
    if (curr2.value != lastNum){
      return false;

    // Half way point for evens
    if (length / 2 === arr.length) {
      return true;

    // move ahead:
    curr2 = curr2.next;
  return true;
