首页 > 解决方案 > Is there a way to make R code only able to be run and not edited? Essentially read-only?


I am in the midst of writing some scripts to perform data analysis on large excel sheets faster than by hand. However, my company has a strict quality review system where the program used needs to be validated and secure (i.e. no one can edit it, there is proof of what code was run, etc.). So essentially I would like my code to be able to be ran by my coworkers without them being able to edit the script. I was also interested in inserting prompts that they can fill in (e.g. "Which column would you like to analyze?")

Is all of this possible? I have read a few things online about file permissions but I know that these can easily be changed by the user. I also read about obfuscators but am entirely unfamiliar with their use.

One thought I have is to use Rmarkdown as a method of displaying which lines were run for which results. However, I believe that document could be edited as well? This would also leave the issue of the script itself being able to be edited.

标签: rsecuritypermissionsrstudio

