首页 > 解决方案 > SystemJS 6.x set/register modules or provide mapping when dynamically loading module


I am trying to load modules dynamically with systemjs version 6.x in my Angular 8 application.

Given there current documentation it looks like I can either user the SystemJS API to register or set a module programatically.


Trying this, however it doesn't look like systemjs is finding @angular/core

import * as angularCore from '@angular/core';
System.set('@angular/core', angularCore);

Should I be using set? Or register for this? https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs/blob/master/docs/api.md#systemregisterdeps-declare

Looks like I can also provide an import map:


I tried adding that mapping in index.html without any luck

<script type="systemjs-importmap">
  "imports": {
    "@angular/core": "node_modules/@angular/core/bundles/core.umd.js"

Is systemjs already included with my angular build when using Angular CLI in such a way that I can just inject the SystemJS that my angular application is already using in hopes that all mappings are already defined for all my dependencies?

标签: angularangular-cliangular8systemjs



我正在使用 SystemJS 6.6.1。

重要的事情之一是您要加载 umd 模块。因此,您需要extras/amd.js在 angular.json 文件中添加脚本:

"scripts": [

所以请务必将这两个脚本添加到您的 angular.json 文件中,然后您可以使用以下代码:

// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
const SystemJS = (window as any).System;

export class ModuleLoader {
  // based on https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs/issues/2152#issuecomment-610470021

   * Call this BEFORE calling load(url)
  register(modules: { [name: string]: object }): Promise<this> {
    const imports: { [name: string]: string } = {};
    Object.keys(modules).forEach(key => {
      imports[key] = './lib/' + key;
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'systemjs-importmap';
    script.textContent = JSON.stringify({imports}, null, 3);
    return SystemJS.prepareImport().then(() => {
      const baseUrl = this.getBaseUrl();
      Object.keys(modules).forEach(key => {
        SystemJS.set(baseUrl + 'lib/' + key, modules[key]);
      return this;

  load(url: string): Promise<any> {
    return SystemJS.import(url);

  private getBaseUrl(): string {
    let baseUrl;
    const baseEl = document.querySelector('base[href]');
    if (baseEl) {
      baseUrl = (baseEl as any).href;

    if (!baseUrl && typeof location !== 'undefined') {
      baseUrl = location.href.split('#')[0].split('?')[0];
      const lastSepIndex = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
      if (lastSepIndex !== -1) {
        baseUrl = baseUrl.slice(0, lastSepIndex + 1);
    return baseUrl;


您不需要在 index.html 中创建脚本标记。这由 ModuleLoader 处理。


const libPath = 'https://path/to/angular/umd/library';

const loader = new ModuleLoader();

  '@angular/core': angularCore,
  '@angular/common': angularCommon,
  '@angular/common/http': angularCommonHttp,
  '@angular/forms': angularForms,
  '@angular/animations': angularAnimations,
  '@angular/platform-browser': angularPlatformBrowser,
  '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': angularPlatformBrowserDynamic
}).then(() => {

  loader.load(libPath).then(async lib => {
    if (lib.default) {
      lib = lib.default;
    ... do your stuff with the module

