首页 > 解决方案 > 另一个班级的 VBA 提高活动


我正在尝试在 codereview 中实施这篇文章中的建议


管理用户与 Excel 表 (ListObjects) 交互时发生的情况

最后的想法是为不同的表提供自定义事件。例如,当您向 table1 添加一行时,会引发自定义 AddEvent1,当您对 table2 执行相同操作时,会引发 AddEvent2。



  1. 将 listobject 添加到一个名为Table
  2. 该类将监听父工作表(ChangeSelectionChange)上的事件
  3. TableManager当更改事件被触发时,从处理这些事件的类中触发一个自定义事件(像adding,updatingdeletingrows 的事件)



但是仍然Table Manager不听引发的事件 listObjectParentSheet_Change


1) 带有 Excel 表格 (ListObject) 的工作表和后面的代码:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

    Dim myTable As Table
    Dim myTableManager As TableManager

    Set myTable = Table.Create(Me.ListObjects(1))

    Set myTableManager = New TableManager

    Set myTableManager.TableInstance = myTable

End Sub

2) 类Table(使用Rubberduck将预先声明的 id 设置为 true )


Option Explicit

Private Type TTable
    SourceTable As ListObject
End Type

Private this As TTable

Private WithEvents listObjectParentSheet As Excel.Worksheet

Public Event AddEvent()

Public Property Get SourceTable() As ListObject
    Set SourceTable = this.SourceTable
End Property

Public Property Set SourceTable(ByVal value As ListObject)
    Set this.SourceTable = value
    Set listObjectParentSheet = value.Parent
End Property

Public Property Get Self() As Table
    Set Self = Me
End Property

Public Function Create(ByVal EvalSourceTable As ListObject) As Table
    With New Table
        Set .SourceTable = EvalSourceTable
        Set Create = .Self
    End With
End Function

Private Sub listObjectParentSheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Target, SourceTable.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox listObjectParentSheet.Name & " " & Target.Address
        RaiseEvent AddEvent
    End If
End Sub

3) 类TableManager

Option Explicit

Private WithEvents m_table As Table

Public Property Get TableInstance() As Table
    Set TableInstance = m_table
End Property

Public Property Set TableInstance(ByRef tableObject As Table)
    Set m_table = tableObject
End Property

Private Sub m_table_AddEvent()
    MsgBox "Adding something"
End Sub







最终代码感谢 Mat 的回答:


Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    With TableManager
        Set .TableEvents = Table.Create(Sheet1.ListObjects(1))
    End With
End Sub


Option Explicit

Public Function GetCellRow(ByVal EvalTable As ListObject, ByVal EvalCell As Range) As Long

    If Intersect(EvalCell, EvalTable.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then Exit Function

    GetCellRow = EvalCell.Row - EvalTable.HeaderRowRange.Row

End Function

Public Function GetCellColumn(ByVal EvalTable As ListObject, ByVal EvalCell As Range) As Long

    If Intersect(EvalCell, EvalTable.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then Exit Function

    GetCellColumn = EvalCell.Column - EvalTable.HeaderRowRange.Column + 1

End Function


Option Explicit

Public Property Get SourceTable() As ListObject
End Property


Option Explicit

Private WithEvents TableSheet As Excel.Worksheet

Private Type TTable
    SourceTable As ListObject
    LastRowCount As Long
    LastColumnCount As Long
End Type

Private this As TTable

Public Event Changed(ByVal cell As Range)
Public Event AddedNewRow(ByVal newRow As ListRow)
Public Event AddedNewColumn(ByVal newColumn As ListColumn)

Implements ITable

Public Function Create(ByVal Source As ListObject) As ITable
    With New Table
        Set .SourceTable = Source
        Set Create = .Self
    End With
End Function

Public Property Get Self() As Table
    Set Self = Me
End Property

Public Property Get SourceTable() As ListObject
    Set SourceTable = this.SourceTable
End Property

Public Property Set SourceTable(ByVal value As ListObject)
    ThrowIfSet this.SourceTable
    ThrowIfNothing value
    Set TableSheet = value.Parent
    Set this.SourceTable = value
End Property

Friend Sub OnChanged(ByVal Target As Range)
    RaiseEvent Changed(Target)
End Sub

Friend Sub OnAddedNewRow(ByVal newRow As ListRow)
    RaiseEvent AddedNewRow(newRow)
End Sub

Friend Sub OnAddedNewColumn(ByVal newColumn As ListColumn)
    RaiseEvent AddedNewColumn(newColumn)
End Sub

Private Sub ThrowIfNothing(ByVal Target As Object)
    If Target Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5, TypeName(Me), "Argument cannot be a null reference."
End Sub

Private Sub ThrowIfSet(ByVal Target As Object)
    If Not Target Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5, TypeName(Me), "This reference is already set."
End Sub

Private Sub Resize()
    With this.SourceTable
        this.LastRowCount = .ListRows.Count
        this.LastColumnCount = .ListColumns.Count
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub TableSheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    If Intersect(Target, SourceTable.DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    Select Case True
    Case this.SourceTable.DataBodyRange.Columns.Count > this.LastColumnCount
        OnAddedNewColumn SourceTable.ListColumns(ListObjectUtilities.GetCellColumn(this.SourceTable, Target))
    Case this.SourceTable.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count > this.LastRowCount
        OnAddedNewRow SourceTable.ListRows(ListObjectUtilities.GetCellRow(this.SourceTable, Target))
    Case Else
        OnChanged Target
    End Select
End Sub

Private Property Get ITable_SourceTable() As ListObject
    Set ITable_SourceTable = this.SourceTable
End Property


Option Explicit
Private WithEvents MyTable As Table

Public Property Get TableEvents() As Table
    Set TableEvents = MyTable
End Property

Public Property Set TableEvents(ByVal value As Table)
    Set MyTable = value
End Property

Private Sub MyTable_AddedNewColumn(ByVal newColumn As ListColumn)
    MsgBox "Added new column " & newColumn.Range.Column
End Sub

Private Sub MyTable_AddedNewRow(ByVal newRow As ListRow)
    MsgBox "Added new row " & newRow.Range.Row
End Sub

Private Sub MyTable_Changed(ByVal cell As Range)
    MsgBox "Changed " & cell.Address
End Sub


标签: excelvbaeventsrubberduck



请注意,为了能够触发AddedNewRow, AddedNewColumn,甚至RemovedRowor RemovedColumn,您需要使用混合Worksheet.ChangeWorksheet.SelectionChange处理程序不断跟踪表的大小。


Option Explicit

Private WithEvents TableSheet As Excel.Worksheet

Private Type TTable
    SourceTable As ListObject
    LastRowCount As Long
    LastColumnCount As Long
End Type

Private this As TTable

Public Event Changed(ByVal cell As Range)
Public Event AddedNewRow(ByVal newRow As ListRow)
Public Event AddedNewColumn(ByVal newColumn As ListColumn)

Public Function Create(ByVal Source As ListObject) As Table
    With New Table
        Set .SourceTable = Source
        Set Create = .Self
    End With
End Function

Public Property Get Self() As Table
    Set Self = Me
End Property

Public Property Get SourceTable() As ListObject
    Set SourceTable = this.SourceTable
End Property

Public Property Set SourceTable(ByVal Value As ListObject)
    ThrowIfSet this.SourceTable
    ThrowIfNothing Value
    Set TableSheet = Value.Parent
    Set this.SourceTable = Value
End Property

Friend Sub OnChanged(ByVal Target As Range)
    RaiseEvent Changed(Target)
End Sub

Friend Sub OnAddedNewRow(ByVal newRow As ListRow)
    RaiseEvent AddedNewRow(newRow)
End Sub

Friend Sub OnAddedNewColumn(ByVal newColumn As ListColumn)
    RaiseEvent AddedNewColumn(newColumn)
End Sub

Private Sub ThrowIfNothing(ByVal Target As Object)
    If Target Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5, TypeName(Me), "Argument cannot be a null reference."
End Sub

Private Sub ThrowIfSet(ByVal Target As Object)
    If Not Target Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5, TypeName(Me), "This reference is already set."
End Sub

Private Sub Resize()
    With this.SourceTable
        this.LastRowCount = .ListRows.Count
        this.LastColumnCount = .ListColumns.Count
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub TableSheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not (Target.ListObject Is SourceTable) Then Exit Sub
    OnChanged Target
End Sub

请注意,您可以使用Is运算符来确定是否Target.ListObject引用与 相同的对象SourceTable,而不是使用Application.Intersect范围:

If Not (Target.ListObject Is SourceTable) Then Exit Sub



Option Explicit
Private WithEvents MyTable As Table

Public Property Get TableEvents() As Table
    Set TableEvents = MyTable
End Property

Public Property Set TableEvents(ByVal value As Table)
    Set MyTable = value
End Property

Private Sub MyTable_Changed(ByVal cell As Range)
    MsgBox "Changed " & cell.Address
End Sub

Table引用仍然需要在某个Set地方 - 在Open主机工作簿的处理程序中:


Option Explicit

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    With Sheet1
        Set .TableEvents = Table.Create(.ListObjects(1))
    End With
End Sub

下一步是清理由返回的公共接口Table.Create- 就目前而言,事情非常混乱,Table接口有点臃肿:



Table.Create 返回的对象仅列出 SourceTable 成员

使用Rubberduck,您可以通过右键单击类中的任意位置并从“重构”菜单中选择“提取接口Table”来提取接口,然后选择要提取的成员 - 这里是SourceTablegetter(我们不会公开 setter! ):

Rubberduck 的提取方法重构

这将创建一个新的私有类(这将在未来的版本中更改) - 如果接口是从公共类中提取的,则PublicNotCreatable属性工具窗口 (F4) 中创建它。

重构将添加Implements ITable到类的顶部Table(假设您没有重命名接口),并且将添加此成员:

Private Property Get ITable_SourceTable() As ListObject
    Err.Raise 5 'TODO implement interface member
End Property


Private Property Get ITable_SourceTable() As ListObject
    Set ITable_SourceTable = this.SourceTable
End Property


Public Function Create(ByVal Source As ListObject) As ITable
