首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 gnuplot 在图的左侧添加多个 yrange


是否可以使用 gnuplot 在绘图的左侧添加超过一个 yrange?请看下面的链接图。


理想情况下,我需要 yrange 命令,例如 y3range、y4range 等。


set multiplot
set lmargin at scr 0.2
set bmargin at scr 0.1 # fix bottom margin
set grid
set y2range [0:20]
plot x, 2*x axes x1y2  # this is your actual plot

unset grid
set lmargin at scr 0.2
set bmargin at scr 0.15 # fix bottom margin
set yrange [0:20]    # set yrange to the same as y2 in the first plot
set border 0         # switch off all borders except the left   
unset xtics          # switch off the stray xtics
plot -1000 notitle   # plot something outside of the y(2)range
unset multi

在此处输入图像描述 感谢您的帮助。

标签: gnuplot


您必须相应地设置 yrange,以使 ytics 和网格很好地对齐。向 ytics 添加偏移量以调整距离。检查help xtics


### multiple axes
reset session

# common settings for all (sub-)plots
set lmargin at screen 0.15
set bmargin at screen 0.12

set xlabel "my x-title"
set xrange[0:3000]
set grid
set ytics font ",8"

myOffsetY = 0.7

set multiplot
    set ylabel "my 1st y-label" tc rgb "red" offset -2,0
    set yrange [-10:6]
    set ytics -10,2 tc rgb "red" offset 0,0
    plot 0.001*x-10 w l lc rgb "red" notitle

    set xlabel " "
    unset xtics
    unset grid
    set ylabel "my 2nd y-label" tc rgb "green" offset 2,0
    set yrange [-10.0:-2.0]
    set ytics -10, 1 tc rgb "green" offset 0,-myOffsetY
    set format y "%.1f"
    plot 0.002*x -10w l lc rgb "green" notitle

    set ylabel "my 3rd y-label" tc rgb "blue" offset -4,0
    set yrange [-60:20]
    set ytics -60, 10 tc rgb "blue" offset 0,myOffsetY
    set format y "%.0f"
    plot 0.003*x-10 w l lc rgb "blue" notitle

unset multiplot
### end of code

结果: 在此处输入图像描述
