首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在铯中创建虚线箭头


Cesium 有实线箭头 ( PolylineArrow ) 和虚线 ( PolylineDash )。我想将两者结合起来制作一个 PolylineDashArrow(带有短划线填充的箭头,或带有箭头的虚线)。

听起来这应该可以使用 Cesium 的Fabric。虽然我认为我需要添加一个 GLSL,比如arrowdash。(Fabric 页面没有说明如何添加自定义 GLSL 以用于源)


标签: glslcesium





这就是我最终得到的结果: 虚线箭头的沙堡演示


var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
var scene = viewer.scene;

// Create sample polyline primitive.
var polylines = scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.PolylineCollection());
var polyline = polylines.add({
    positions : Cesium.PolylinePipeline.generateCartesianArc({
        positions : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([-110.0, 42.0,
                                                        -85.0, 36.0,
                                                        -100.0, 25.0,
                                                        -77.0, 12.0])
    width : 15.0

// Assign a new fabric material blend of arrow and dashes.
polyline.material = new Cesium.Material({
    fabric : {
        materials : {
            // The arrowMaterial provides the color and overall shape.
            arrowMaterial : {
                type : 'PolylineArrow',
                uniforms : {
                    color : Cesium.Color.YELLOW
            // The dashMaterial will punch holes in the arrowMaterial.
            // Uniforms could be added to control the dash parameters.
            dashMaterial : {
                type : 'PolylineDash',
            // "headMaterial" is copy-paste of the arrow head size code, written to alpha.
            // It is used to mask out the dashes, to keep them from destroying the arrow head.
            // A small tail is included behind the arrow head, to keep it from becoming a triangle.
            headMaterial : {
                source :
                'czm_material czm_getMaterial(czm_materialInput materialInput) { \n' +
                '    czm_material material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput); \n' +
                '    vec2 st = materialInput.st; \n' +
                '#ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives \n' +
                // Original multiplier "10.0" changed to "15.0" to add short tail to head.
                '    float base = 1.0 - abs(fwidth(st.s)) * 15.0 * czm_pixelRatio; \n' +
                '#else \n' +
                '    float base = 0.975; // 2.5% of the line will be the arrow head \n' +
                '#endif \n' +
                '    material.alpha = 1.0 - smoothstep(base - 0.0001, base, st.s); \n' +
                '    return material; \n' +
                '} \n'
        // Finally, the "alpha" contains a cheat, where we undo czm_discard from the dashMaterial.
        components : {
            diffuse : 'arrowMaterial.diffuse',
            alpha : 'arrowMaterial.alpha * (1.0 - (headMaterial.alpha * (1.0 - dashMaterial.alpha))); czm_discard = false'
