首页 > 解决方案 > Design Company -> Location -> Product Database


I'm trying to design tables : Company -> Location -> Products tables for a project I'm working on

So basically a company has multiple locations.

Each location can have the same of different products and also products can have different prices across different locations.

So my question is, how can I efficiently design this use case because my problem is that:

Is it good to add a PRODUCT table and add another table between location and product (PRODUCT_LOCATION) that will have the price and other properties specific to a location?

Thank you for taking the time to read my question,

标签: mysqlsqldatabasedatabase-designmodel


您可以为 Location 和 Product 使用映射表,然后为此使用主键,您可以使用 LocationProductId 和 Price 创建一个映射表。
