首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 quanteda 和 kwic 进行模糊模式匹配?


我有医生写的文本,我希望能够在他们的上下文中突出显示特定的单词(我在他们的文本中搜索的单词之前的 5 个单词和之后的 5 个单词)。假设我想搜索“自杀”这个词。然后我会在 quanteda 包中使用 kwic 函数:

kwic(数据集,模式 = “自杀”,窗口 = 5)


是否可以使用 quanteda 的 kwic 函数来做到这一点?


dataset <- data.frame("patient" = 1:9, "text" = c("On his first appointment, the patient was suicidal when he showed up in my office", 
                                  "On his first appointment, the patient was suicidaa when he showed up in my office",
                                  "On his first appointment, the patient was suiciaaa when he showed up in my office",
                                  "On his first appointment, the patient was suicaaal when he showed up in my office",
                                  "On his first appointment, the patient was suiaaaal when he showed up in my office",
                                  "On his first appointment, the patient was saacidal when he showed up in my office",
                                  "On his first appointment, the patient was suaaadal when he showed up in my office",
                                  "On his first appointment, the patient was icidal when he showed up in my office",
                                  "On his first appointment, the patient was uicida when he showed up in my office"))

dataset$text <- as.character(dataset$text)
kwic(dataset$text, pattern = "suicidal", window = 5)


标签: rtext-miningquanteda



## Package version: 1.5.2

dataset <- data.frame(
  "patient" = 1:9, "text" = c(
    "On his first appointment, the patient was suicidal when he showed up in my office",
    "On his first appointment, the patient was suicidaa when he showed up in my office",
    "On his first appointment, the patient was suiciaaa when he showed up in my office",
    "On his first appointment, the patient was suicaaal when he showed up in my office",
    "On his first appointment, the patient was suiaaaal when he showed up in my office",
    "On his first appointment, the patient was saacidal when he showed up in my office",
    "On his first appointment, the patient was suaaadal when he showed up in my office",
    "On his first appointment, the patient was icidal when he showed up in my office",
    "On his first appointment, the patient was uicida when he showed up in my office"
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
corp <- corpus(dataset)

# get unique words
vocab <- tokens(corp, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE) %>%

用于agrep()生成最接近的模糊匹配 - 在这里我运行了几次,max.distance每次都从默认的 0.1 略微增加。

# get closest matches to "suicidal"
near_matches <- agrep("suicidal", vocab,
  max.distance = 0.3,
  ignore.case = TRUE, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE
## [1] "suicidal" "suicidaa" "suiciaaa" "suicaaal" "suiaaaal" "saacidal" "suaaadal"
## [8] "icidal"   "uicida"


# use these for fuzzy matching
kwic(corp, near_matches, window = 3)
##  [text1, 9] the patient was | suicidal | when he showed
##  [text2, 9] the patient was | suicidaa | when he showed
##  [text3, 9] the patient was | suiciaaa | when he showed
##  [text4, 9] the patient was | suicaaal | when he showed
##  [text5, 9] the patient was | suiaaaal | when he showed
##  [text6, 9] the patient was | saacidal | when he showed
##  [text7, 9] the patient was | suaaadal | when he showed
##  [text8, 9] the patient was |  icidal  | when he showed
##  [text9, 9] the patient was |  uicida  | when he showed

