首页 > 解决方案 > 带有 tflite 的 SSD mobilenet v1 输出不良



我正在使用来自Tensorflow 的 object detection以及Firebase 的 MLInterpreter的源代码。我试图严格遵守文档中规定的步骤。在训练期间,我可以在 TensorBoard 上看到模型正在正确训练,但不知何故,我没有正确导出和连接事物以进行推理。以下是详细信息:

我使用的命令,从训练到 .tflite 文件

首先,我使用 ssd_mobilenet_v1 配置文件提交训练作业。配置文件或多或少与 Tensorflow 默认提供的相同——我只修改了类数和存储桶名称。

gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training `whoami`_<JOB_NAME>_`date +%m_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S` \
    --runtime-version 1.12 \
    --job-dir=gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/model_dir \
    --packages dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz,/tmp/pycocotools/pycocotools-2.0.tar.gz \
    --module-name object_detection.model_main \
    --region us-central1 \
    --config object_detection/samples/cloud/cloud.yml \
    -- \
    --model_dir=gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/model_dir \


python models/research/object_detection/export_tflite_ssd_graph.py \
    --input_type image_tensor \
    --pipeline_config_path ssd_mobilenet_v1.config \
    --trained_checkpoint_prefix model.ckpt-264012 \
    --output_directory exported_tflite


tflite_convert \
    --output_file=model.tflite \
    --graph_def_file=exported_tflite/tflite_graph.pb \
    --input_arrays=normalized_input_image_tensor \
    --output_arrays=TFLite_Detection_PostProcess \
    --input_shapes=1,300,300,3 \

使用 Swift 和 Firebase 执行推理

我想最终使用 AVFoundation 从相机捕获图像,但为了使其更具可读性,我将仅发布代码的相关部分:

这里是初始化模型和设置 ioOptions 的地方。我在export_tflite_ssd_graph(上面使用过)的顶部发现了一条用于确定 ioOptions 的注释,但我仍然不相信我正确配置了这些:

guard let modelPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "model", ofType: "tflite") else {
    self.interpreter = nil;
let localModel = CustomLocalModel(modelPath: modelPath)
self.interpreter = ModelInterpreter.modelInterpreter(localModel: localModel)

do {
  try self.ioOptions.setInputFormat(index: 0, type: .float32, dimensions: [1, 300, 300, 3])
  try self.ioOptions.setOutputFormat(index: 0, type: .float32, dimensions: [1, 10, 4])
  try self.ioOptions.setOutputFormat(index: 1, type: .float32, dimensions: [1, 10])
  try self.ioOptions.setOutputFormat(index: 2, type: .float32, dimensions: [1, 10])
  try self.ioOptions.setOutputFormat(index: 3, type: .float32, dimensions: [1])
} catch let error as NSError {
  print("Failed to set input or output format with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

设置好之后,我稍后会使用以下几行来执行推理。基本上,我将数据缓冲区转换为 CGImage,进行一些调整大小,然后将 RGB 值重新打包到可以传递给模型进行推理的缓冲区中:

# Draw the image in a context
guard let context = CGContext(
  data: nil,
  width: image.width, height: image.height,
  bitsPerComponent: 8, bytesPerRow: image.width * 4,
  space: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(),
  bitmapInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo.noneSkipFirst.rawValue
  ) else {
context.draw(image, in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.width, height: image.height))
guard let imageData = context.data else { return; }

# "image" is now a CGImage
let inputs = ModelInputs()
var inputData = Data()
do {
  for row in 0 ..< 300 {
    for col in 0 ..< 300 {
      let offset = 4 * (col * context.width + row)
      // (Ignore offset 0, the unused alpha channel)
      let red = imageData.load(fromByteOffset: offset+1, as: UInt8.self)
      let green = imageData.load(fromByteOffset: offset+2, as: UInt8.self)
      let blue = imageData.load(fromByteOffset: offset+3, as: UInt8.self)

      var normalizedRed = Float32(red) / 255.0
      var normalizedGreen = Float(green) / 255.0
      var normalizedBlue = Float(blue) / 255.0

      // Append normalized values to Data object in RGB order.
      let elementSize = MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: normalizedRed)
      var bytes = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: elementSize)
      memcpy(&bytes, &normalizedRed, elementSize)
      inputData.append(&bytes, count: elementSize)
      memcpy(&bytes, &normalizedGreen, elementSize)
      inputData.append(&bytes, count: elementSize)
      memcpy(&bytes, &normalizedBlue, elementSize)
      inputData.append(&bytes, count: elementSize)
  try inputs.addInput(inputData)
} catch let error {
  print("Failed to add input: \(error)")

guard let interpret = self.interpreter else { return; }

print("Running interpreter")
interpret.run(inputs: inputs, options: self.ioOptions) { outputs, error in
  guard error == nil, let outputs = outputs else { return; }

  do {
    try print(outputs.output(index: 1))
    try print(outputs.output(index: 2))
  } catch let error {



问题是,输出概率非常低,并且类几乎从不正确。我知道我的模型比这具有更好的准确性,并且感觉在获取检查点文件和实际对 .tflite 文件运行推理之间做错了什么。


标签: tensorflowtensorflow-lite

