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How can i call the below list method in a ActionResult of a controller

public StudRes<List<Student>> GetStudent()
    Database SQLCon = new Database();
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    string query = @"select s.items StudentName from StudentData t1 outer apply dbo.Split(t1.StudentName, ',') s";

    dt = SQLCon.getDatatableFromSQL(query);

    return new LinkRes<List<Student>>()
        result = dt.dtHavingRow(),
        data = (from rw in dt.AsEnumerable()
                select new Student
                    StudentName= rw["StudentName"].ToString(),


public ActionResult StudentCode()
    var _Student = new StudRes<List<Student>>();
    var _StudentInfor = new StudentInfor ();
    StudAct _Act = new StudAct();
    _Student = _Act.GetStudent(Cookies.GetCookies("StudentName"));
    _StudentInfor = _Act.GetStudentInfor(Cookies.GetCookies("StudentName"));
    string stud = String.Foramt(_Student.StudentName,_StudentInfor.Email);

For "_Student.StudentName" shows error

CS1061: StudRes> does not contain a definition for 'StudentName' and no extension method 'StudentName' accepting a frist argument of type 'StudRes>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

标签: c#sql-serverasp.net-mvc


I think what you need is to return only 1 student instead of the list. You may want to rework your GetStudent method. Otherwise, as things stand, on the controller, _Student.data.First().StudentName should work. Also, in your GetStudent Method you have a typo SrudentName= rw["StudentName"].ToString() should be StudentName= rw["StudentName"].ToString()

Edit 1.

public class Student
        public string StudentName { get; set; }
        public string StudentEmail { get; set; }

    public StudRes<List<Student>> GetStudents()
        Database SQLCon = new Database();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        string query = @"select s.items StudentName from StudentData t1 outer apply dbo.Split(t1.StudentName, ',') s";

        dt = SQLCon.getDatatableFromSQL(query);

        var results = new StudRes<List<Student>>()
            result = dt.Rows.Count,
            data = (from rw in dt.AsEnumerable()
                    select new Student
                        StudentName = rw["StudentName"].ToString(),
        foreach (var stu in results.data)
            stu.StudentEmail = GetStudentInfor(stu.StudentName);
        return results;

 public ActionResult StudentCode()
            StudAct _Act = new StudAct();
            var _Student = _Act.GetStudents();

            return View("Name of your view", _Student.ToList());
