首页 > 解决方案 > 如何遍历组织中的所有 google cloud kms 密钥而不会遇到读取配额?


我试图找出是否有密钥的版本超过一年并将其轮换期设置为从现在起 24 小时。不幸的是,每个列表密钥环调用都算作一个key.read,其中有一个非常小的配额(~300 / min)除了增加它们之外,还有其他方法可以解决这些配额吗?我正在尝试在云函数中定期运行此代码,因此存在运行时限制,因此我不能只等待配额重置。

def list_keys(project):
    client = kms_v1.KeyManagementServiceClient()
    #this location list is based on a running of `gcloud kms locations list` and represents a where a key could be created
    location_list = ['asia','asia-east1','asia-east2','asia-northeast1','asia-northeast2',

    for location in location_list:
        key_ring_parent = client.location_path(project,location)
        key_ring_list = client.list_key_rings(key_ring_parent)
        for key_ring in key_ring_list:
            parent = client.key_ring_path(project,location,format_keyring_name(key_ring.name))
            for key in client.list_crypto_keys(parent):
                start_time = key.primary.create_time # need to use primary to get latest version of the key
                now = time.time()
                now_seconds = int(now)
                elapsed = now_seconds - start_time.seconds
                next_rotate_age =(key.next_rotation_time.seconds - now_seconds) + elapsed
                days_elapsed = elapsed/3600/24
                print(key.name," is this many days old: ",  days_elapsed)
                print(key.name," will be this many days old when it is scheduled to rotate: ",  next_rotate_age/3600/24)
                #if the key is a year old set it to rotate tomorrow
                if days_elapsed > 364:
                    update_mask = kms_v1.types.UpdateCryptoKeyRequest.update_mask
                    new_rotation_time  = now_seconds + (3600*24) # 1 day from now because can't set less than 24 hrs notice on certain keys
                    key.next_rotation_time.seconds = new_rotation_time

                    update_mask =  {'paths':{'next_rotation_time': new_rotation_time}} 
                    print(client.update_crypto_key(key, update_mask))

标签: quotagoogle-cloud-kms



$ gcloud asset export --organization YOUR_ORG_ID      \
      --asset_types cloudkms.googleapis.com/CryptoKey \
      --content-type RESOURCE                         \
      --output-path "gs://YOUR_BUCKET/NEW_FILE"

输出文件将包含组织中每个密钥的完整CryptoKey 资源,因此您无需向 KMS API 发送大量 List/Get 请求。
