首页 > 解决方案 > Is running out of memory in Node an indication of a memory leak?


I've recently been studying some of my previous code and not sure where the memory leak is exactly coming form (if any). I seem to be running out of mem quite a lot and I'm sure there is an easier way around this? I initially thought creating the object every second (checkProducts gets called every second) was the issue however I am referencing the product in cache() so. Thank you.

const checkProducts = async () => {
  console.log("Checking for new products");
  const proxyF = rProxy()
  console.log("PROXY " + proxyF.auth.username)
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(
      "https://www.sizeofficial.fr/campaign/New+In/?facet:new=latest&sort=latest", { proxy });
    const $ = cheerio.load(response.data);
    $("li").each((i, elm) => {
      const title =
          .text() + "";
      const price = $(elm)
      const link = $(elm)
      const quickBuy = $(elm)
      const image = $(elm)
      if (title !== "" && price !== "") {
        const product = {
          title: title.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/\t/g, ""),
          price: price,
          link: "https://www.sizeofficial.fr" + link,
          quickBuy: "https://www.sizeofficial.fr/" + quickBuy,
          image: image
  } catch (err) {
  restocks.map(restock => checkRestock(restock));

标签: javascriptnode.js

