首页 > 解决方案 > 如何用函数输出替换范围,并覆盖范围值?


我有一个看起来像这样的 vba 代码,试图用函数 FuzzyVLookup 的输出替换一个单元格,目前,我可以读取单元格 mAr(i,1) 并有一个 FuzzyVLookup(mAr(i,1) 的输出, inRng1 ,1) 但我无法覆盖最初的 mAr(i,1)


Public Sub Test()

Dim StartTime As Double
Dim MinutesElapsed As String

'Remember time when macro starts
StartTime = Timer
    '-- Select Range A for comparison to be compared with Range B --
    Const LBLS  As String = "Names to be matched "
    Const xNAME As String = "Fuzzy Match Lead"

    Set inRng = Application.Selection
    Set inRng = Application.InputBox(LBLS, xNAME, inRng.Address, Type:=8)

    '-- Select Range B for Range A to be compared --
    Const LBLS1  As String = "Names to be matched to "
    Const xNAME1 As String = "Fuzzy Match Source"

    Set inRng1 = Application.Selection
    Set inRng1 = Application.InputBox(LBLS1, xNAME1, inRng.Address, Type:=8)

    If inRng.Columns.Count > 1 Or inRng.Areas.Count > 1 Then
        MsgBox "Please select a single (continuous) column"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    allRows = inRng.Rows.Count
    If inRng.Count = 1 Then     'if only one cell selected force mAr to array
        ReDim mAr(1, 1)
        mAr(1, 1) = inRng.Value2
        mAr = inRng.Value2
    End If

    For i = 1 To allRows
        mAr(i, 1) = FuzzyVLookup(mAr(i, 1), inRng1, 1)

    inRng = mAr                 'place memory array back to range

'Determine how many seconds code took to run
MinutesElapsed = Format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")

'Notify user in seconds
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & MinutesElapsed & " minutes", vbInformation

End Sub

标签: excelvba

