首页 > 解决方案 > SameSite cookie、框架、子域和重定向



为了准备Chrome 80的更改,我正在尝试衡量缺少SameSite属性对我的 cookie 的影响。我有以下配置:

  1. 用户最初访问main.mysite.com
  2. main.mysite.com设置SomeCookie ( Set-Cookie: SomeCookie=value; path=/; secure; httponly) 并重定向到auth.mysite.com
  3. 用户在auth.mysite.com上进行身份验证并被重定向回main.mysite.com(POST 请求)

因为main.mysite.comauth.mysite.com之间的重定向被认为是同一个站点,并且因为缺少SameSite属性被SameSite=LaxChrome 80 处理,所以这很好。

但是,当main.mysite.com嵌入到托管在另一个站点(例如othersite.com)上的页面的框架中时,SomeCookie不会在步骤 3 中发送回main.mysite.com :



标签: google-chromecookiessamesite



1. 就 SameSite 而言,2 个站点何时是“同一站点”?

无论 cookie 的域属性如何,当两个站点的 eTLD+1(又名可注册域)相同时,它们都被视为相同。有关更详细的说明,参阅我的答案。

因此,在这种情况下,假设 eTLD 是“.com”,我们会认为 auth.mysite.com 和 main.mysite.com 是同一个站点,因为 eTLD+1 对它们来说都是 mysite.com。另一方面,anything.mysite.com 和 othersite.com 始终是跨站点的。无论是顶级导航还是子资源请求(如 iframe 中的图像或文档),都是如此。


If a cookie is set with Set-Cookie: cookiename=cookievalue; Domain=mysite.com, then the cookie will be sent on requests to any domain matching *.mysite.com (i.e. all subdomains).

This is a way to adjust the scope of a cookie. For example, you could use Domain=mysite.com for a global cookie that all of your domains care about, and Domain=corp.mysite.com for a cookie that all of your company's internal domains care about (but not your external-facing domains, for example).

The default (for cookies that don't explicitly set a Domain attribute) is that cookies are sent only to the domain that set the cookie. (No subdomains.)

You cannot set a Domain attribute that does not match the URL of the request.

(Also, there is no such thing as an "origin" attribute of a cookie.)

3. So what does Domain have to do with SameSite?

Nothing. They are independent cookie attributes. Domain doesn't care about the same-site/cross-site context, and SameSite doesn't care about domain/subdomain scope of the cookie.

4. When mysite.com is embedded in an iframe on othersite.com, why are default-Lax cookies not sent?

This is considered a cross-site context, because the site in the user's URL bar is othersite.com whereas the request is made to mysite.com, and these have two different eTLD+1's.

Because it's in an iframe, this is not a top-level navigation, so all cross-site requests will exclude SameSite cookies.

如果它顶级导航(用户单击将他们从 othersite.com 带到 mysite.com 的链接),那么请求方法很重要。在绝大多数情况下,这将是一个 GET 请求,因此发送 Lax 模式的 cookie。

