首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在所有工作表中保持页眉(不是静态页眉)相同?


我在 Excel 中创建了一个宏,它将在 Excel 中复制一个表格,并将行除以我确定的特定数字(默认 = 500 行),并为宏创建的每个部门打开不同的工作表。


Sub CopyTable()

    'Set dimensions
    Dim Table As Range, TableArray(), _
        CutValue As Integer, Cntr As Integer, _
        TempArray(), Width As Integer, _
        x As Integer, y As Integer, _
        Height As Long, Rep As Integer, _
        LoopReps As Long

    'Get data
    Set Table = Application.InputBox("Specify range to copy", _
        Default:=ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Address, Type:=8)
    CutValue = InputBox("How many rows should the chunks be?", _
    Width = Table.Columns.Count
    Height = Table.Rows.Count

    'Write to array
    TableArray = Table
    ReDim TempArray(1 To CutValue, 1 To Width)
    Rep = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Height / CutValue, 0)
    LoopReps = CutValue

    'Loop through all new sheets
    For Cntr = 0 To Rep - 1
        If Height - Cntr * CutValue < CutValue Then _
            LoopReps = Height - Cntr * CutValue

        For x = 1 To Width
            For y = 1 To LoopReps
                TempArray(y, x) = TableArray(y + Cntr * CutValue, x)
            Next y
        Next x

        Range("A1").Resize(LoopReps, Width) = TempArray
    Next Cntr
End Sub



标签: excelvba



Sub CopyTable()

    'Set dimensions
    Dim Table As Range, TableArray(), HeaderArray(), _
        CutValue As Long, Cntr As Long, _
        TempArray(), Width As Long, _
        x As Long, y As Long, _
        Height As Long, Rep As Long, _
        LoopReps As Long

    'Get data
    Set Table = Application.InputBox("Specify range to copy", _
        Default:=ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Address, Type:=8)
    CutValue = InputBox("How many rows should the chunks be?", _

    With Table
        Width = .Columns.Count
        Height = .Rows.Count - 1 'ignore headers

        HeaderArray = .Rows(1).Value
        TableArray = .Rows(2).Resize(Height).Value
    End With

    ReDim TempArray(1 To CutValue, 1 To Width)
    Rep = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(Height / CutValue, 0)
    LoopReps = CutValue

    'Loop through all new sheets
    For Cntr = 0 To Rep - 1
        If Height - Cntr * CutValue < CutValue Then _
            LoopReps = Height - Cntr * CutValue

        For x = 1 To Width
            For y = 1 To LoopReps
                TempArray(y, x) = TableArray(y + Cntr * CutValue, x)
            Next y
        Next x

        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add

        ws.Range("A1").Resize(, Width).Value = HeaderArray
        ws.Range("A2").Resize(LoopReps, Width) = TempArray
    Next Cntr
End Sub


  • 测试输入框是否没有被取消
  • 测试是否选择了多行
  • 测试选择是否只有一个区域(即不是类似A1:C10,E1:F10, only A1:C10



Dim wb as Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Add

With wb.Worksheets(1)
    .Range("A1").Resize(, Width).Value = HeaderArray
    .Range("A2").Resize(LoopReps, Width) = TempArray
End With
