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我在一个小型翻译程序上工作。我有一个 .xlsx 文件,每个文件有 5 列,每列使用不同的语言(英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语)。

该程序提供了一个下拉列表,其中 .xlsx 中的每一行都是可用选项之一(仅限英语)。选择其中一个选项将获取英语值并将其添加到列表中。

然后,我使用以下内容稍后根据 deliminator(;) 选择和拆分的英语提取整行其他语言:

instructionList = ['Avoid contact with light-coloured fabrics, leather and upholstery. Colour may transfer due to the nature of indigo-dyed denim.']

for i in range(len(instructionList)):
            newCompInst.append(translationFile.loc[translationFile['English'] == instructionList[i]].to_string(index=False, header=False))
            newInst = [i.replace('  ', ',;') for i in newInst ]
        strippedInst = [item.lstrip() for item in newInst ]
print('strippedInst: ', strippedInst)


strippedInst:  ['Avoid contact with light-coloured fabrics, lea...,;Bviter le contact avec les tissus clairs, le c...,;Kontakt mit hellen Stoffen, Leder und Polsterm...,;Evitar el contacto con tejidos de colores clar...,;Evitare il contatto con capi dai colori delica...']

运行此代码后,所有语言都被切成两半,句子的其余部分被替换为 '...' - (注意 'strippedInst' 中的英语并与输入到循环中的内容(指令列表)进行比较。



Avoid contact with light-coloured fabrics, leather and upholstery. Colour may transfer due to the nature of indigo-dyed denim.,;
Éviter le contact avec les tissus clairs, le cuir et les tissus d'ameublement. Les couleurs peuvent déteindre en raison de la nature de la teinture indigo du denim.,;
Kontakt mit hellen Stoffen, Leder und Polstermöbeln vermeiden. Aufgrund der Indigofärbung kann sich die Farbe übertragen,;
Evitar el contacto con tejidos de colores claros, con cuero y con tapicerías. El tinte índigo de los vaqueros podría transferirse a dichas superficies.,;
Evitare il contatto con capi dai colori delicati, pelli e tappezzerie. Si potrebbe verificare una perdita del colore blu intenso del tessuto di jeans., 


import pandas as pd

excel_file = 'C:/Users/user/Desktop/Translation_Table_Edit.xlsx'
translationFile = pd.read_excel(excel_file, encoding='utf-8')

compList = ['Avoid contact with light-coloured fabrics, leather and upholstery. Colour may transfer due to the nature of indigo-dyed denim.', 'Do not soak']
newComp = []

def myFunction():
    global newComp
    for i in range(len(compList)):
        newComp.append(translationFile.loc[translationFile['English'] == compList[i]].to_string(index=False, header=False))
        newComp = [i.replace('  ', ';') for i in newComp]
strippedComp = [item.lstrip() for item in newComp]


['Avoid contact with light-coloured fabrics, lea...;�viter le contact avec les tissus clairs, le c...;Kontakt mit hellen Stoffen, Leder und Polsterm...;Vermijd contact met lichtgekleurde stoffen, le...;Evitar el contacto con tejidos de colores clar...;Evitare il contatto con capi dai colori delica...', 'Do not soak;Ne pas laisser tremper;Nicht einweichen;Niet weken;No dejar en remojo;Non lasciare in ammollo']

标签: pythonpython-3.xpandas


问题在于调用to_string数据框。相反,首先将值提取到一个数组中 ( df_sub.iloc[0].values),然后连接该列表的元素 ( ';'.join(...))。


def myFunction():
    global newComp
    for i in range(len(compList)):
        df_sub = translationFile.loc[translationFile['English'] == compList[i]]
        if df_sub.shape[0] > 0:


此外,(在我看来)您的代码可以通过以下方式改进(使用 pandas 功能而不是循环,遵守 pep8 中的命名约定,避免使用全局变量):

import pandas as pd

df_translations = pd.read_excel('./Translation_Table_Edit.xlsx', encoding='utf-8')
to_translate = ['Avoid contact with light-coloured fabrics, leather and upholstery. Colour may transfer due to the nature of indigo-dyed denim.',
            'Do not soak']

def get_translations(df_translations, to_translate, language='English'):
    """Looks up translatios for all items in to_translate.
    Returns a list with semi-colon separated translations. None if no translations found."""

    df_sub = df_translations[df_translations[language].isin(to_translate)].copy()  # filter translations
    df_sub = df_sub.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip())  # strip each cell

    # format and combine translations into a list
    ret = []
    for translation in df_sub.values:

    return ret

translations = get_translations(df_translations, to_translate)
