首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 swift 优化旅行双循环






let data = [
  "10000", // count
  "asdfqwerty", "asdfzxcvgh", "asdfpoiuyt",

for i in 1..<data.count {
  let string = data[i]
  for j in (i + 1)..<data.count {
    let newMin = string.minimumEditDistance(other: data[j])

    if min >= newMin {
      // some logic
extension String {
  public func minimumEditDistance(other: String, `default`: Int = 10) -> Int {
    let m = self.count
    let n = other.count

    if m == 0 || n == 0 {
      return `default`

    var matrix = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: 0, count: n + 1), count: m + 1)

    // initialize matrix
    for index in 1...m {
      // the distance of any first string to an empty second string
      matrix[index][0] = index

    for index in 1...n {
      // the distance of any second string to an empty first string
      matrix[0][index] = index

    // compute Levenshtein distance
    for (i, selfChar) in self.enumerated() {
      for (j, otherChar) in other.enumerated() {
        if otherChar == selfChar {
          // substitution of equal symbols with cost 0
          matrix[i + 1][j + 1] = matrix[i][j]
        } else {
          // minimum of the cost of insertion, deletion, or substitution
          // added to the already computed costs in the corresponding cells
          matrix[i + 1][j + 1] = Swift.min(matrix[i][j] + 1, matrix[i + 1][j] + 1, matrix[i][j + 1] + 1)
    return matrix[m][n]

标签: arraysswiftoptimizationtraversal


您可以通过使用您的minimumEditDistance作为排序函数对数组进行排序,然后获取第一个或最后一个元素(取决于您如何定义排序)以及您需要什么 - 最小值或最大值来实现所需的行为。它可能会O(N*log(N))及时运行。这已经比指数要好。

正如@Sultan 提到的,它不适用于所有距离,因为传递性仅适用于度量(定义集合中每个元素之间距离的函数)。您正在使用 Levenstain 距离作为编辑距离算法,这确实是一个度量标准。我提到的解决方案应该有助于在某些情况下进行优化。
