首页 > 解决方案 > Postgress to_date 和提取组合


我在 postgres 中有下表:

| date     | money |
| 20191212 | 10    |
| 20200101 | 20    |
| 20200102 | 30    |

我想创建 2 个查询,按年按金额分组,按月分组。日期列是 varchar,我无法将其转换为日期。

| year | money |
| 2019 | 10    |
| 2020 | 50    |
| month   | money |
| 2019-12 | 10    |
| 2020-01 | 50    |

我试图结合 to_date 和 extract 函数,但它不起作用:

WITH date_year AS (
    SELECT to_date(date, 'YYYYMMDD') as date_year from sales
SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date_year) as year, sum(money) as sum FROM sales group by year
WITH date_month AS (
    SELECT to_date(date, 'YYYYMMDD') as date_month from sales
SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date_month) as month, sum(money) as sum FROM sales group by month

标签: sqlpostgresqlaggregate-functions


group by您可以在子句中使用函数或别名:

select extract(year from to_date(date, 'YYYYMMDD')) as y_year, sum(money) as sum 
from sales 
group by y_year

select extract(year from to_date(date, 'YYYYMMDD')) || '-' || extract(month from to_date(date, 'YYYYMMDD')) as year_month, sum(money) as sum 
from sales 
group by year_month

我使用了y_year因为year在 postgres 中保留。


select date_trunc('month', to_date(date, 'YYYYMMDD')) as year_month, sum(money) as sum 
from sales 
group by year_month
