首页 > 解决方案 > 我想在规则中做一个比较值,当一个值必须大于一个值并且小于另一个值时


我想比较一个需要大于 8 或小于 3 的值,但我似乎无法正确判断。到目前为止,如果值小于 8,我可以让它显示错误消息。我的规则是

['taskmonth', 'compare', 'compareValue' => 8, 'operator' => '>', 'when'=> function($model){
            return $model->repeating_type == self::SIXMONTHLY;
        }, 'whenClient' => "function(attribute, value) {
        return $('#repeating_type').val() = self::SIXMONTHLY;
        }", 'message' => 'The start month can only be September, October, November, December, January or February'],

这是我模型中的规则。I get the correct error message when any month apart from Sept, Oct, Nov or Dec is selected but it should allow you to select Jan or Feb as well. 我尝试使用 < 3 的 2 条规则,但无论我当时尝试选择哪个月份,都会收到一条错误消息。我在文档中找不到任何东西来显示有两个比较值。我可以这样做吗?

标签: yii2




    'taskmonth', 'compare', 'compareValue' => 3, 'operator' => '>',
    'when'=> function($model){ return $model->taskmonth >= 3 && $model->taskmonth <= 8 && $model->repeating_type == self::SIXMONTHLY; },
    'whenClient' => "function(attribute, value) { return value >= 3 && value <= 8 && $('#repeating_type').val() == '". self::SIXMONTHLY. "'; }",
    'message' => 'The start month can only be September, October, November, December, January or February'
    'taskmonth', 'compare', 'compareValue' => 8, 'operator' => '<',
    'when'=> function($model){ return $model->taskmonth >= 3 && $model->taskmonth <= 8 && $model->repeating_type == self::SIXMONTHLY; },
    'whenClient' => "function(attribute, value) { return value >= 3 && value <= 8 && $('#repeating_type').val() == '". self::SIXMONTHLY. "'; }",
    'message' => 'The start month can only be September, October, November, December, January or February'

2)你可以从另一端工作。当你有 self::SIXMONTHLY 时,运行“in”规则。如果您确定在项目范围内有可用的:

    'taskmonth', 'in','range'=>[1,2,9,10,11,12],
    'when'=> function($model){ return $model->repeating_type == self::SIXMONTHLY; },
    'whenClient' => "function(attribute, value) { return $('#repeating_type').val() == '". self::SIXMONTHLY. "'; }",
    'message' => 'The start month can only be September, October, November, December, January or February'

3)同样在这种情况下,您可以使用匹配规则而不是: 'taskmonth', 'match','pattern'=> '/^[^3-8]/', 'when' => ...

PS还有一个小提示:return $('#repeating_type').val() = self::SIXMONTHLY;这不是比较。这是申请。我想你的意思是==
