首页 > 解决方案 > How to make kafka connect to pick up messages from last failure


I am using Elastic search Kafka connect in stand alone mode . I am not confused in which configuration to use in order to start Kafka connect and pick up from the last failure point .

For example producer will keep on pushing records into Kafka and Consumer as Elastic Search sink connector is consuming ,Now my for some reason my consumer is down but still my prouder will keep on pushing messages into Kafka . Now when i have fixed my issue in ES sink connector side and if i restart ES sink connector it should pick from last failure not from beginning or latest but from last failure . If 10 messages has come since failure then when ES sink connector starts it should first sink 10 and then latest .

Please help with configuration .

标签: apache-kafkaapache-kafka-connect


Kafka Connect 充当任何其他 Kafka 消费者。当您重新启动时,消费者将回退到最后提交的偏移位置。这是默认行为,在 Connect 中没有设置可以更改它。
