首页 > 解决方案 > 什么时候不做重复线性变换的特征分解


假设我们有一个点 p,例如(1, 2, 3),我们想在其上应用 N 次线性变换。如果变换由矩阵 A 表示,则最终变换将由 给出A^N . p。矩阵乘法成本很高,我假设特征分解和对角化会加快整个过程。但令我惊讶的是,这种所谓的改进方法需要更多时间。我在这里想念什么?

import timeit

mysetup = '''
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from numpy.linalg import matrix_power

EXP = 5     # no. of time linear transformation is applied
LT  = 10    # range from which numbers are picked at random for matrices and points.
N   = 100   # dimension of the vector space

A_init = np.random.randint(LT, size=(N, N))
A = (A_init + A_init.T)/2
p = np.random.randint(LT, size=N)

def run_sim_1():
    An = matrix_power(A, EXP)
    return An @ p

def run_sim_2(): 
    λ, V = LA.eig(A)
    Λ = np.diag(λ)
    Λ[np.diag_indices(N)] = λ ** EXP
    An = V @ Λ @ V.T
    return An @ p

# code snippet whose execution time is to be measured 
# naive implementation
mycode_1 = '''run_sim_1()'''

print(timeit.timeit(setup = mysetup, stmt = mycode_1, number = 1000))
# time taken = 0.14894760597962886

# improved code snippet whose execution time is to be measured
# expecting this to take much less time. 
mycode_2 = '''run_sim_2()'''

# timeit statement 
print(timeit.timeit(setup = mysetup, stmt = mycode_2, number = 1000))
# time taken = 8.035318267997354

标签: pythonnumpylinear-algebra


这有点难以权威地回答。矩阵乘法和特征分解的标准实现都是 O(n^3),因此没有先验理由期望一个比另一个快。有趣的是,我的经验是特征分解通常比单个矩阵乘法慢得多,所以这个结果并不完全让我感到惊讶。


# Use binary decomposition to reduce the number of matrix multiplications.
# Here, we iterate over the bits of n, from LSB to MSB, raise `a` to
# increasing powers of 2, and multiply into the result as needed.
z = result = None
while n > 0:
    z = a if z is None else fmatmul(z, z)
    n, bit = divmod(n, 2)
    if bit:
        result = z if result is None else fmatmul(result, z)

所以实际上,它并不是真的做 20 次乘法!它使用分而治之的方法来减少这个数字。在仔细考虑了这个非常优雅的算法之后,我相信它永远不会2*log(p)对给定的幂做更多的乘法运算p。当 的所有位p都为 1 时,即p1 小于 2 的幂时,达到此最大值。


我应该补充一点:直接将向量相乘不会比将矩阵乘以幂吗?二十个向量乘法仍然是O(n^2),不是吗?但也许您真正想做的是对 10k 个向量执行此操作,在这种情况下,矩阵幂方法显然更胜一筹。
