首页 > 解决方案 > 数组上的 JavaScript Async/Await console.log() 返回空


你好 Stack Overflow 社区,我来找你一个与 JS async/await 相关的问题。我正在尝试调用异步函数,然后将数组记录到异步函数将结果推送到控制台的位置。如果我直接在控制台中这样调用它:

console.log(Page.data) - 我可以看到它有结果,但如果它在单击按钮时被调用,它会记录一个空数组。

// It is a nested object so do not worry if you don't exactly understand where Page.data comes from
Page.data = []

async function f1() {
  // Fetch JSON data
  // Process data 
  // Pushes at some point to the Page.data array
async function f2() {
  // Fetch JSON data
  // Process data 
  // Pushes at some point to the Page.data array
async function f3() {
  // Fetch JSON data
  // Process data 
  // Pushes at some point to the Page.data array

async function load(loader) {
    let fn = async function() {};
    if(condition1) fn = f1;
    else if(condition2) fn = f2;
    else fn = f3;

    // This is the line that makes me problems
    // According to documentation async functions return a promise
    // So why would the array in the case be empty?
    // Since I am telling it to display after the function is done
    await fn(loader).then(console.log(Page.data))


标签: javascriptasynchronousasync-await


await 表达式导致异步函数执行暂停,直到 Promise 被解决(即完成或拒绝),并在完成后恢复异步函数的执行。恢复时,await 表达式的值是已实现的 Promise 的值。

例如(这是一个带有一些添加注释的 MDN 示例):

function resolveAfter2Seconds(x) { 
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000);

async function f1() {
  // note that here, you are "awaiting" the RESOLVED RESULT of the promise.
  // there is no need to "then" it.
  var x = await resolveAfter2Seconds(10);
  // the promise has now already returned a rejection or the resolved value. 
  console.log(x); // 10


所以你会“等待”你的函数,这将阻止执行,直到承诺解决或拒绝。在该行之后,您将运行您的 console.log,它会按预期记录。简短的回答,“删除 then”。

