首页 > 解决方案 > `integrate_1d` 语法并以交互方式调试它


我是第一次尝试设置自定义可能性并使用integrate_1d. 根据文档,我将我的被积函数设置如下:

// internal function to integrate over z 
// integrate_1d is super picky: the argument types need to be real, real, 
    real[], real[], int[]
// e.g., cannot use vectors in place of real[] or int[]

real integrand( real x,  // the observed Z-stat; value at which to evaluate integral
              real xc,
              real[] theta,
              real[] x_r,
              int[] x_i ){

    // separate the parameters
    real zeta = theta[1];
    real eta = theta[2];
    real vi = theta[3];

    // significance indicator
    int signif; 
    signif = fabs(x) > 1.96;

    return( (1/eta) * (1 - signif) + signif ) * exp( normal_lpdf( x | zeta, sqrt(vi) ) );

我正在尝试测试和调试此功能,因为它最终会导致在我运行模型时评估对数似然性时出现错误。为此,我希望能够以交互方式运行该函数,传递我自己选择的参数。我正在尝试使用 rstanexpose_stan_functions来做到这一点:

code = "functions{

  real integrand( real x,  // the observed Z-stat
                  real xc,
                  real[] theta,
                  real[] x_r,
                  int[] x_i ){

    // separate the parameters
    real zeta = theta[1];
    real eta = theta[2];
    real vi = theta[3];

    // significance indicator
    int signif; 
    signif = fabs(x) > 1.96;

    return( (1/eta) * (1 - signif) + signif ) * exp( normal_lpdf( x | zeta, sqrt(vi) ) );

expose_stan_functions(stanc(model_code = code))

integrand(1, {1,1,1}, real[], int[], 1e-8)

integrate_1d( integrand, negative_infinity(), positive_infinity(), {1, 1, 1}, real[], int[], 1e-8 )



就好像我用根本不正确的语法调用函数一样。(在调用 时integrate_1d,我不太确定如何处理xc。我省略了它,因为文档(第 节)似乎表明它应该是NaN一个不定积分。)


标签: integrationstanrstan


integrate_1d函数是一个 Stan / C++ 函数,所以如果你想从 R 调用它,你需要指定另一个调用它的函数。在你的情况下,你可以做

code = "functions{

  real integrand( real x,  // the observed Z-stat
                  real xc,
                  real[] theta,
                  real[] x_r,
                  int[] x_i ){

    // separate the parameters
    real zeta = theta[1];
    real eta = theta[2];
    real vi = theta[3];

    // significance indicator
    int signif; 
    signif = fabs(x) > 1.96;

    return( (1/eta) * (1 - signif) + signif ) * exp( normal_lpdf( x | zeta, sqrt(vi) ) );

  real area(real[] theta, data real[] x_r) {
    int x_i[0];
    return integrate_1d(integrand, negative_infinity(), positive_infinity(),
                        theta, x_r, x_i, 1e-8);

expose_stan_functions(stanc(model_code = code))
area(theta = rep(1, 3), x_r = double()) # yields 1
