首页 > 解决方案 > 如何有条件地删除 Pine Script 中的行


我正在尝试创建一个 TradingView 研究,该研究从当前柱上的交叉线到前一个柱上的交叉线绘制一条线,其中前一个柱小于设置的最大柱数。




在 pine 脚本中似乎不可能执行以下操作:

study(title='MACD trend')
src = input(close)
fast = input(12)
slow = input(26)
smooth = input(9)
numBarsBack = input(50)

fast_ma = wma(src, fast)
slow_ma = wma(src, slow)
macd = fast_ma-slow_ma
signal = wma(macd, smooth)
hist = macd - signal

if (crossunder(macd, signal))
// cross under happened on previous bar
    for i = 1 to numBarsBack
    // inspect previous bars up to 'numBarsBack'
        if (crossunder(macd,signal)[i])
            if (macd - macd[i] < 0)
            // located a previous cross under with a higher macd value
                l = line.new(bar_index[1], macd[1], bar_index[i+1], macd[i+1], width=1, color=color.red)
                // drew line from previous cross under to current cross under, 
                // offset x's by 1 bar since crossunder returns true based on previous bar's cross under
                for k = 1 to i
                // inspect previous bars up to the starting point of drawn line
                    if (crossunder(macd, signal)[k] and macd > macd[k])
                    // if the previous cross under value is less than the current one
                        // not sure what the 1 here indexes???

plot(title='MACD', series=macd,transp=0,linewidth=2, color=color.yellow)
plot(title='SIGNAL', series=signal,transp=0,linewidth=2, color=color.red)

标签: pine-script



var基本思想是在初始化l变量时使用非常方便的关键字传播先前创建的行的行 ID 。这样,在创建新行之前,我们会获取用于创建前一行的行,因此如果该行与我们将要创建的行匹配(因此是从同一个峰值绘制的),y2则可以删除该行。y2

交叉峰检测使用 Pine 内置而不是for循环。这样代码会运行得更快。

study(title='MACD trend2')
src = input(close)
fast = input(12)
slow = input(26)
smooth = input(9)
numBarsBack = input(50)

fast_ma = wma(src, fast)
slow_ma = wma(src, slow)
macd = fast_ma-slow_ma
signal = wma(macd, smooth)
hist = macd - signal

xDn = crossunder(macd, signal)
// Get macd at at highest xDn in last numBarsBack bars. If no Xdn found, set value to -10e10.
highestXDnMacd = highest(xDn ? macd : -10e10, numBarsBack)
// Get offset to that point.
highestXDnOffset = - highestbars(xDn ? macd : -10e10, numBarsBack)

// Detect if previous xDn meets all criteria.
lastXDnWasHigher = xDn and macd < highestXDnMacd
// Make l persistent, so that it always contains the line id of the last line created.
var line l = na
if lastXDnWasHigher
    // Retrieve y2 used to draw previous line.
    if line.get_y2(l) == highestXDnMacd
        // Last line drawn used same y2 as the one we are about to use; delete it.
        // No more than one line back can have same peak since previous ones have already been deleted.
    // The line id we assign to l here will persist through future bars,
    // which is what will allow us to delete the corresponding line using the line.delete() above, if needed.
    l := line.new(bar_index[1], macd[1], bar_index - highestXDnOffset, macd[highestXDnOffset], width=3, color=color.black)

plot(title='MACD', series=macd,transp=0,linewidth=2, color=color.yellow)
plot(title='SIGNAL', series=signal,transp=0,linewidth=2, color=color.red)

// Debugging.
plot(highestXDnMacd != -10e10 ? highestXDnMacd : na, "highestXDnMacd", color.silver, 2, plot.style_circles)
plotchar(highestXDnOffset, "highestXDnOffset", "", location.top)    // For Data Window display.
bgcolor(lastXDnWasHigher ? color.green : xDn ? color.silver : na, 60)

