首页 > 解决方案 > 带有关键字的 JSON LD 格式博客发布


我发现我可以将 JSON-LD 格式的 BlogPosting 与关键字一起使用。<meta content='put all your keywords here separated by comma' name='keywords'/>当它们在 blogspot 的单个博客文章中定义时,有没有办法自动使用 JSON-LD 中的关键字?有没有办法“称呼”他们喜欢"description": "<data:view.description.escaped/>""keywords": "<data:post.labels/>",显示单个帖子的元描述?

标签: bloggerschema.orgjson-ld


No you can't.

There's no way to get post object components outside widget, you can get it simply within Blog widget using <data:post.labels/> array:

&lt;meta name='keywords' content='<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><data:label.name/>,</b:loop>'/&gt;

BUT meta tags in <body> is invalid as per HTML4.01, it should be within <head> tag.

On the other hand, meta Keywords is not supported by google anymore since 2009, you don't need to use it just include post tags within post search description in a balanced way.

Although there are some other ways to tell search engines about your tags or nested pages, like Schema.org/Breadcrumbs and hAtom.
