首页 > 解决方案 > How to prevent fork from returning twice,


so I am working on this C code, that print a list of child PID and parent PID

the problem that my output looks like this

digraph {
           "12896" [ label="pid 12896, level 0" ];
    "12897" [ label="pid 12897, level 1" ];
    "12896" -> "12897";
    "12898" [ label="pid 12898, level 2" ];
    "12897" -> "12898";
    "12899" [ label="pid 12899, level 3" ];
    "12898" -> "12899";
    "12900" [ label="pid 12900, level 4" ];
    "12899" -> "12900";
}digraph {
           "12896" [ label="pid 12896, level 0" ];
    "12897" [ label="pid 12897, level 1" ];
    "12896" -> "12897";
    "12898" [ label="pid 12898, level 2" ];
    "12897" -> "12898";
    "12899" [ label="pid 12899, level 3" ];
    "12898" -> "12899";
digraph {
           "12896" [ label="pid 12896, level 0" ];
    "12897" [ label="pid 12897, level 1" ];
    "12896" -> "12897";
    "12898" [ label="pid 12898, level 2" ];
    "12897" -> "12898";
digraph {
           "12896" [ label="pid 12896, level 0" ];
    "12897" [ label="pid 12897, level 1" ];
    "12896" -> "12897";
digraph {

there is 4 different digraph object, I only need the first one. also I am not sure why the first line inside digraph is tabbed, if anyone knows

here is the C code of my fork

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

int main(void){

    int i, status;
    printf( "Enter a value for n :");
    int n;
    scanf("%d", &n);

    FILE *file;
    file = fopen("./diagraph.txt", "w+"); //my output file
    fprintf(file, "digraph {\n");
    for (i=0; i<=n; i++){

        int pid = fork();

        if (pid == 0 ) {

                if(i == 0){ //first level
                        fprintf(file, "    \"%d\" [ label=\"pid %d, level %d\" ];\n", getppid(), getppid(), i, file);
                        fprintf(file, "    \"%d\" [ label=\"pid %d, level %d\" ];\n", getpid(), getpid(), i +1, file);
                        fprintf(file, "    \"%d\" -> \"%d\";\n", getppid(), getpid(), file);
                        fprintf(file, "    \"%d\" [ label=\"pid %d, level %d\" ];\n", getpid(), getpid(), i +1, file);
                        fprintf(file, "    \"%d\" -> \"%d\";\n", getppid(), getpid(), file);

        else{ //parent process, we will wait for the children.
        pid = waitpid(-1, &status, 0);
        return 0;

fprintf(file, "}");


I am not sure of the reason of this behavior, I would like to understand it and know how to fix it thank you in advance

标签: c


默认情况下,当您使用它写入文件时,fprintf它实际上并没有写入文件(还)——它只是写入缓冲区。当缓冲区填满时,或者您稍后调用fflushorfclose时,缓冲区的数据将写入文件。缓冲区是存储在进程内存中的 FILE 对象的一部分,因此当您调用 时fork,缓冲区及其内容会被复制。这导致子和父可能将相同的数据写入文件的情况,从而导致重复。

避免这种情况的最简单方法是确保在调用 fork 之前调用fflush所有FILE对象,以便缓冲区全部为空并且没有数据重复。
