首页 > 解决方案 > Copy from Excel Paste in Word


In Excel, I have about 20 sheets with 20 charts in each that I need to copy/paste into Word documents. One Word doc per Excel sheet. I found this article with a solution that I modified to accept a ChartObject as a parameter so that I don't have to think about which chart is being copied. I'm getting the following run-time error on the last line where it calls PasteSpecial in the CopyChart2Word() function:

enter image description here

Which isn't very helpful because it doesn't tell me what is wrong. But the chart is pasted into the Word document with half of the data points missing.


Public Function moveCharts()
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim name As String
  Dim ChtObj As ChartObject
  Dim dummy As Variant

  For i = 0 To UBound(employees)
    name = employees(i)
    For Each ChtObj In Worksheets(name).ChartObjects
        dummy = CopyChart2Word(ChtObj)
    Next ChtObj
  Next i
End Function

Public Function CopyChart2Word(chartObj As ChartObject)
  Dim wd As Object
  Dim ObjDoc As Object
  Dim FilePath As String
  Dim FileName As String
  FilePath = "C:\Users\name\Desktop"
  'Empty document for now
  FileName = "Template.docx"

  'check if template document is open in Word, otherwise open it
  On Error Resume Next
  Set wd = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
  If wd Is Nothing Then
    Set wd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    Set ObjDoc = wd.Documents.Open(FilePath & "\" & FileName)
    On Error GoTo notOpen
    Set ObjDoc = wd.Documents(FileName)
    GoTo OpenAlready
    Set ObjDoc = wd.Documents.Open(FilePath & "\" & FileName)
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0

  'find Bookmark in template doc
  wd.Visible = True

  'copy chart from Excel

   'insert chart to Bookmark in template doc
   'wdPasteMetafilePicture didn't work so I used the numeric value 3
   'wdInLine didn't work so I used the numeric value 0
   wd.Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, _
   DataType:=3, _
   Placement:=0, _
 End Function

Link to sample chart.

标签: excelvbams-wordcopy-paste


我怀疑该错误可能是由同时打开的不同 Word 实例引起的。为了消除这种可能性,我建议整理一下您处理 Word 和文档的方式。您的代码逻辑有点混乱。请改用这个。

On Error Resume Next
Set Wd = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err Then Set Wd = CreateObject("Word.Application")

On Error Resume Next
Set ObjDoc = Wd.Documents(Filename)
If Err Then Set ObjDoc = Wd.Documents.Open(FilePath & "\" & Filename)

On Error GoTo 0

我想知道你为什么需要Wd.Visible = True. 默认情况下它应该是可见的。然而,也许 Window 不是 ActiveWindow。事实上,Word 可能不是活动应用程序。我不认为这对代码很重要。

但这对Selection对象应该很重要。只有 ActiveWindow 可以有一个Selection. 因此,如果您打开 Excel 并运行代码,您将无法访问SelectionWord 中的对象。反过来,如果您打开 Word 并进行选择,然后更改为 Excel,则该Selection对象将丢失。这也可能导致致命错误。只需遵循以下规则:“ SelectVBA 中没有任何内容 [直到代码的最后一行]。
