首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用支持库 v25 显示音乐播放器通知



编译 sdk 版本 25 - 最小 sdk 21 - 目标 sdk 25

private void updateNotification ( ) {

     //   try {

            // normal notif
            RemoteViews smallView = new RemoteViews ( getPackageName ( ), R.layout.notification );
            smallView.setTextViewText ( R.id.notification_song_name, currentSong.getTitle ( ) );
            smallView.setTextViewText ( R.id.notification_artist_name, currentSong.getArtist ( ) );
            // expanded notif
            RemoteViews expanedView = new RemoteViews ( getPackageName ( ), R.layout.notification_expanded );
            expanedView.setTextViewText ( R.id.notification_song_name, currentSong.getTitle ( ) );
            expanedView.setTextViewText ( R.id.notification_album_name, currentSong.getAlbum ( ) );
            expanedView.setTextViewText ( R.id.notification_artist_name, currentSong.getArtist ( ) );

            if ( PlayerConstants.SONG_PAUSED ) {
                smallView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_play_pause_button, ( (BitmapDrawable) getResources ( ).getDrawable ( R.mipmap.ic_play_arrow_black_24dp ) ).getBitmap ( ) );
                expanedView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_play_pause_button, ( (BitmapDrawable) getResources ( ).getDrawable ( R.mipmap.ic_play_arrow_black_24dp ) ).getBitmap ( ) );

            else {
                smallView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_play_pause_button, ( (BitmapDrawable) getResources ( ).getDrawable ( R.mipmap.ic_pause_black_24dp ) ).getBitmap ( ) );
                expanedView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_play_pause_button, ( (BitmapDrawable) getResources ( ).getDrawable ( R.mipmap.ic_pause_black_24dp ) ).getBitmap ( ) );

            if ( currentSong.getIsLiked ( this ) )
                expanedView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_favorite_button, ( (BitmapDrawable) getResources ( ).getDrawable ( R.drawable.ic_favorite_red_24dp ) ).getBitmap ( ) );

                expanedView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_favorite_button, ( (BitmapDrawable) getResources ( ).getDrawable ( R.mipmap.ic_favorite_border_black_24dp ) ).getBitmap ( ) );

            setListeners ( smallView );
            setListeners ( expanedView );

            Bitmap albumArt = AudioExtensionMethods.getBitMap ( getBaseContext ( ), currentSong.getAlbumArtLocation ( ) );
            if ( albumArt != null ) {
                smallView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_album_art, albumArt );
                expanedView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_album_art, albumArt );

            else {
                smallView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_album_art, ( (BitmapDrawable) getResources ( ).getDrawable ( R.mipmap.unkown_album_art ) ).getBitmap ( ) );
                expanedView.setImageViewBitmap ( R.id.notification_album_art, ( (BitmapDrawable) getResources ( ).getDrawable ( R.mipmap.unkown_album_art ) ).getBitmap ( ) );

            // create an ongoing notif
            NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder ( this )
                .setContent ( smallView )
                .setSmallIcon ( R.mipmap.launcher_icon )
                .setOngoing ( true );

            // makes the notif dismissable when playback is paused
            if ( PlayerConstants.SONG_PAUSED ) {
                builder.setOngoing ( false );

            if ( currentVersionSupportBigNotification ) {
                builder.setCustomBigContentView ( expanedView );

            Intent nIntent = new Intent ( this, MainActivity.class );
            nIntent.putExtra ( "notificationIntent", true );
            nIntent.addFlags ( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP );
            PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity ( this, 0, nIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT );
            builder.setContentIntent ( pendingIntent );

            // send the notification
            Notification build = builder.build ( );
            notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService ( NOTIFICATION_SERVICE );
            notificationManager.notify ( NOTIFICATION_ID, build );
     //   }

      //  catch (Exception ignored) {}

我不知道这里出了什么问题。任何帮助,将不胜感激。PS 我不愿意更新我的库,因为更新会使应用程序崩溃,而且我不能从头开始编写整个代码。

标签: androidandroid-notifications


