首页 > 解决方案 > D3.js:现场旋转文本


我有一个包含 38 个项目的饼图。半径相当大,因此文本向内转动。我唯一的问题是文本倒置。我试图通过正常旋转来解决这个问题,但这不起作用,因为它围绕我的整个图表的中心旋转。我搜索了答案并发现了类似的东西。我试图将该代码用于我自己的目的,但失败了。

我还检查了b.locks 上的一个示例,据我所知:它们在这里旋转,然后将其放置在之前的位置。



var margin = { left:80, right:100, top:50, bottom:100 },
    height = 1200 - margin.top - margin.bottom, 
    width = 1280 - margin.left - margin.right,
    cwidth = 50;

var svg = d3.select("#pie-chart svg")
    .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
    .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + 525 + "," + 450 + ")")

/*gives the same numeric value to every object in the datafile (cuz they dont have numeric values) */     
var pie = d3.pie()
    .value(function(d){return 1})

//load data
    var arc = d3.arc();

    var gs = svg.selectAll("g")
                .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + ", " + margin.top + ")")

    var arcIndexDictionary = {};
    var arcRingIndexSizeDictionary = {};

    // Visible arc
        .data(function(d,i) {       
            return pie(d).map(function(e){e.ringIndex = i; return e});
        .attr("class", "nameArc")
        .attr("id", function(d,i) { 
            return d.data.name + "nameArc_"+i+i; 
            function(d, i) {
                var innerRadius = cwidth * d.ringIndex;
                var outerRadius = cwidth * (d.ringIndex + 1);
                var outerRadiusSlim = cwidth * (d.ringIndex + 1) + 2 * cwidth;
                // stores how many items are there in a ring in order to decide which text to flip
                arcRingIndexSizeDictionary[d.ringIndex] = i;
                // Main Arc - draws the rings
                if (d.ringIndex == 0){
                    arcIndexDictionary[d.data.name + "nameArc_"+i] = (innerRadius + outerRadius) / 2.0;
                    return arc.innerRadius(innerRadius).outerRadius(outerRadius)(d);
                else if (d.ringIndex == 1){
                    arcIndexDictionary[d.data.name + "nameArc_"+i] = (innerRadius + outerRadiusSlim) / 2.04; 
                    return arc.innerRadius(innerRadius).outerRadius(outerRadiusSlim)(d);
        .attr("fill", "grey") 

    // Placing text
        .data(function(d,i) {       
            return pie(d).map(function(e){e.ringIndex = i; return e});
            .attr("class", "nameText")  
            .attr('dy', function(d, i, array){
            var ringItemCount = arcRingIndexSizeDictionary[d.ringIndex];
            .attr("xlink:href",function(d, i, array){
                return "#" + d.data.name + "nameArc_"+i+i;   
        .style("text-anchor", function(d, i){
                var ringItemCount = arcRingIndexSizeDictionary[d.ringIndex];    
                if(d.ringIndex == 1 && i <= ringItemCount/2) {
                    return "start"; //HERE
                } else {
                    return "start"
        .attr("startOffset", function(d, i){ 
            if(d.ringIndex == 1 && i <= ringItemCount/2) 
                return "50%"; 
                if(d.ringIndex == 1) return "12%";   
                var ringItemCount = arcRingIndexSizeDictionary[d.ringIndex];
        .text(function(d, i, array){ 
            if (d.ringIndex > 0)
            {return d.data.name};
            .style('font-family', 'arial')
            .attr('font-size', function(d){
                if(d.ringIndex > 1){return '13px'} else {
                    return '9px';

    // ROTATE
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26049488/how-to-get-absolute-coordinates-of-object-inside-a-g-group
    .attr("transform", function(d, i){
        if(d != undefined)
            var ringItemCount = arcRingIndexSizeDictionary[d.ringIndex];          
            var rightPieCount = ringItemCount / 2;
            var halfPoint = rightPieCount / 2;  
            if(d.ringIndex == 1 && i <= ringItemCount/2)
                // if you add 1 to x you need to add 180 / 19 * i
                var locationData = this.getBBox();
                var centerX = locationData.x + (locationData.width / 2);
                var centerY = locationData.y + (locationData.height / 2);
                // Fix their centralized locations 
                if (locationData.y < 0){
                    centerX = centerX + i * 7;
                    centerY = centerY - (halfPoint - i) * 6;   
                } else {
                    centerX = centerX + (rightPieCount - i) * 7;
                    centerY = centerY - (-(halfPoint - i) * 6);
                } */
                console.log(centerX, centerY);
                var result = "";
                result += 'translate(' + centerX + ',' + centerY + ')';
                result += 'rotate(180)';
                return result;

    // middle text
        .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
        .attr('font-size', '0.8em')
        .attr('font-family', 'arial')
        .style('fill', 'white')
        .text("Inf FB") 


我还在下面的缩短版本中添加了我的数据集。由于我是 D3 的新手,如果有人能告诉我如何实现文本在现场旋转或指导我如何实现我的目标,我将非常感激:) 非常感谢。

{   "Leitsatz": [],
    "Profs": [
            "name": "Softwarekonstruktion"
            "name": "Verteilte Systeme"
            "name": "Angew. Softwaretechnik"
            "name": "Sicherheit"
            "name": "(W1) Sicherheit/ Sicherheitsmgmt."
            "name": "Rechennetze"
            "name": "Theoretische Inf."
            "name": "(W1) Theoretische Inf.)"
            "name": "(W1) Informatikbildung)"
            "name": "(W1) Mobile Services"
            "name": "(W1TT) Informatik"
            "name": "Wiss. Rechnen (DKRZ)"
            "name": "Wiss. Visualisierung (Dir. RRZ)"
            "name": "Daten Enginieering"
            "name": "Simulation & Visualisierung"
            "name": "Alg. Molekulares Design"
            "name": "(W1) Angewandte Bioinf."
            "name": "Rechnerg. Bioinformatik"
            "name": "Maschinelles Lernen"
            "name": "Autonome Systeme"
            "name": "(W1TT) Sem. Systeme"
            "name": "Wissenstechnologien"
            "name": "Signalverarbeitung"
            "name": "Bildverarbeitung"
            "name": "(W1TT) Assistenzsysteme"
            "name": "Sprachverarbeitung"
            "name": "Sprachtechnologie"
            "name": "Multimodale Systeme"
            "name": "Mensch-Computer-Interaktion"
            "name": "Usability & Softwareergonomie"
            "name": "Ethik in der Informationstechnik"
            "name": "IT-Gestaltung"
            "name": "(W1TT) Wirtschaftsinformatik"
            "name": "(W1TT) Betriebssystem"
            "name": "(W1TT) Adaptive Systeme"
            "name": "IT Management"
            "name": "Digital Technochange"
            "name": "Datenbanken"

标签: javascriptd3.jspie-chartcoordinate-transformation


要围绕其中心旋转某些东西,您需要将其中心移动到 (0, 0),然后旋转它,然后将其移回。因此,在您添加转换的地方,请执行以下操作:

  .attr("transform", function(d, i) {
    if (d !== undefined) {
        var ringItemCount = arcRingIndexSizeDictionary[d.ringIndex];
        if (d.ringIndex == 1 && i <= ringItemCount / 2) {
            var locationData = this.getBBox();
            var centerX = locationData.x + (locationData.width / 2);
            var centerY = locationData.y + (locationData.height / 2);

            var result = 'translate(' + centerX + ',' + centerY + ')';
            result += 'rotate(180)';
            result += 'translate(' + (-centerX) + ',' + (-centerY) + ')';
            return result;
