首页 > 解决方案 > Jenkins Groovy Active 选择参数如何将第一个下拉值传递给第二个下拉男孩


如何将所选值从第一个下拉列表传递到第二个下拉列表?这是我关注的链接 [链接][1]

// Import the JsonSlurper class to parse Dockerhub API response
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
// Set the URL we want to read from, it is MySQL from official Library for this example, limited to 20 results only.
docker_image_tags_url = "https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/library/mysql/tags/?page_size=20"
try {
    // Set requirements for the HTTP GET request, you can add Content-Type headers and so on...
    def http_client = new URL(docker_image_tags_url).openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
    // Run the HTTP request
    // Prepare a variable where we save parsed JSON as a HashMap, it's good for our use case, as we just need the 'name' of each tag.
    def dockerhub_response = [:]    
    // Check if we got HTTP 200, otherwise exit
    if (http_client.responseCode == 200) {
        dockerhub_response = new JsonSlurper().parseText(http_client.inputStream.getText('UTF-8'))
    } else {
        println("HTTP response error")
    // Prepare a List to collect the tag names into
    def image_tag_list = []
    // Iterate the HashMap of all Tags and grab only their "names" into our List
    dockerhub_response.results.each { tag_metadata ->
    // The returned value MUST be a Groovy type of List or a related type (inherited from List)
    // It is necessary for the Active Choice plugin to display results in a combo-box
    return image_tag_list.sort()
} catch (Exception e) {
         // handle exceptions like timeout, connection errors, etc.

我有另一个活动的选择框 groovy 脚本,期望从上面的下拉框中得到一个值。我努力了

env = params.mysql_image_version
// def env="dev" // this works but I am hard coding the value ,instead of getting it dynamically from the above dropdown box 

env_list.each { env ->


        print stack_list

标签: jenkins-pipelinejenkins-groovy

