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I've been reading through related articles regarding using same database for multiple django projects however, I have not been able to come up with a fix yet. I've tried relative and absolute pathing when importing but it gives "attempted relative import beyond top-level package" error when I try to access parent directory.

Project 1 gets the users to write to database by filling in a form and Project 2 retrieves data written in by users from database.

I'm using Postgresql for database. I've tried writing exactly same models.py for both projects but it seems like in database they appear as separate relations/tables. E.g. for table named school in both models.py, it would look like project1_school and project2_school in Postgres database.

Is there a way to write to and read from same tables of same database?

Thank you so much in advance.

标签: djangopython-3.xdatabasepostgresqldjango-models




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