首页 > 解决方案 > 从 lpSolve 转换为 lpSolveAPI 包


目标:使用当前 lpSolve 代码使用 lpSolveAPI 包创建新代码。

背景:我一直在使用 lpSolve 寻找最佳解决方案,以创建梦幻体育比赛阵容,最大限度地提高团队中球员的预计得分 (DK) 与允许的最高总工资 (SALARY) - 与少数其他约束条件以适应竞赛规则。然而,我在少数情况下发现 lpSolve 无法找到最佳解决方案。它似乎由于某种未知原因而忽略了最佳积分/美元解决方案,而是仅找到第 n 个最佳解决方案。不幸的是,我没有这样的例子,因为我的存档驱动器最近出现了问题并且丢失了很多数据。

我的研究/提问:我在这里阅读了与 lpSolve 有类似问题的其他线程(比如这里的这个)。在这些情况下,lpSolveAPI 能够看到 lpSolve 无法看到的最佳解决方案。由于不熟悉 lpSolveAPI,我正在寻求熟悉这两个包的人的帮助,以将我当前的代码转换为利用 lpSolveAPI 包并消除未来的 lpSolve 监督。我试过了,但由于某种原因,我一直在翻译中迷失方向。

我的 lpSolve 代码:

# count the number of unique teams and players
unique_teams = unique(slate_players$TEAM)
unique_players = unique(slate_players$PLAYERID)

# define the objective for the solver
obj = slate_players$DK

# create a constraint matrix for the solver
con = rbind(t(model.matrix(~ POS + 0, slate_players)), #Positions
            t(model.matrix(~ PLAYERID + 0, slate_players)), #DupPlayers
            t(model.matrix(~ TEAM + 0, slate_players)), #SameTeam
            rep(1,nrow(slate_players)), #TotPlayers
            slate_players$SALARY) #MaxSalary

# set the direction for each of the constraints
dir = c("==", #1B
        "==", #2B
        "==", #3B
        "==", #C
        "==", #OF
        "==", #SP
        "==", #SS
        rep('<=',length(unique_players)), #DupPlayers
        rep('<=',length(unique_teams)), #SameTeam
        "==", #TotPlayers
        "<=") #MaxSalary

# set the limits for the right-hand side of the constraints
rhs = c(1, #1B
        1, #2B
        1, #3B
        1, #C
        3, #OF
        2, #SP
        1, #SS
        rep(1,length(unique_players)), #DupPlayers
        rep(5,length(unique_teams)), #SameTeam
        10, #TotPlayers
        50000) #MaxSalary

# find the optimal solution using the solver
result = lp("max", obj, con, dir, rhs, all.bin = TRUE)

# create a data frame for the players in the optimal solution
solindex = which(result$solution==1)
optsolution = slate_players[solindex,]


标签: roptimizationlinear-programminginteger-programminglpsolve



ncons <- nrow(con)
nvars <- length(obj)
lprec <- make.lp(nrow=ncons, ncol=ncols)
set.objfn(lprec, obj)
set.type(lprec, 1:nvars, "binary") # all.bin=TRUE
for (i in 1:ncons) {
    set.row(lprec, row=i, xt=con[i,])
    set.constr.type(lprec, dir[i], constraints=i)
    set.rhs(lprec, b=rhs[i], constraints=i)
status <- solve(lprec)
if(status!=0) stop("no solution found, error code=", status)
sol <- get.variables(lprec)

