首页 > 解决方案 > 浏览它们时如何使用获取列数据?


我有多张纸,每张只有 1 张不同宽度和高度的桌子。



  1. 我计算所选工作表上的列,工作
  2. for 循环遍历列以从每个列中获取标题名称并堆叠到 combobox.list 中,


Private Sub chcSite_Change()
Dim siteSheet As String
siteSheet = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Me.chcSite.Value, Worksheets("Overview").Range("SiteTable"), 2, False)

Me.chcRange.Enabled = True  ' enables combobox for headers list

Dim COLS As Integer
COLS = Worksheets(siteSheet).ListObjects(1).ListColumns.Count
Dim i As Integer
i = 1

For i = 1 To COLS   
    If Worksheets(siteSheet).Cells(Columns(i), 1) = "" Then Exit For   ' if header is empty = also end of table cols.
    MsgBox Worksheets(siteSheet).Cells(Columns(i), 1)  ' debug to see what it returns.

Next i

'Me.chcRange.List = Worksheets(siteSheet).ListObjects(1).ColumnHeads ' random test of columnheads

End Sub

如您所见,我期望 Worksheets(siteSheet).Cells(Columns(i), 1) 返回一些东西,但它似乎只是一个指针/选择器。

标签: excelvba


You might benefit from reading The VBA Guide To ListObject Excel Tables.

For example to get the 3rd heading of a table use


The ListObject has its own row/column numbering and may be different from the sheets row/column numbering.

It should look something like this:

Dim i As Long 'always use Long
'i = 1 not needed

For i = 1 To COLS   
    ' v-- this part is not needed …
    If Worksheets(siteSheet).ListObjects(1).HeaderRowRange(i) = "" Then 
        Exit For   ' if header is empty = also end of table cols.
    End If
    ' ^-- … because headers of ListObjects can not be empty by definition.
    '       And HeaderRowRange can only access the headers of the ListObjects.

    MsgBox Worksheets(siteSheet).ListObjects(1).HeaderRowRange(i)  ' debug to see what it returns.
Next i

So you can shorten it to:

Dim i As Long 
For i = 1 To COLS   
    MsgBox Worksheets(siteSheet).ListObjects(1).HeaderRowRange(i)  ' debug to see what it returns.
Next i

Note that Cells(Columns(i), 1) could not work because eg Columns(2) references the complete column B (it is a range representing the full column 2) and Cells needs a row/column number like Cells(row, column).
