首页 > 解决方案 > wrapfiure 乳胶重叠图像文本的不良形成



我正在在线使用背面来编译我的报告,并且我遇到了换行图的这个问题。特别是超过 6 厘米的重量我遇到了如图所示的问题,图像与文本重叠,而独立于图像的大小,在连续页面中存在一些具有奇怪格式的文本。有人能帮我吗?

   to suppress axial growth during GaInP shell growth, the nanowire cores were taken out from the reactor and the Au seed particles were removed using a cyanide based Au etchant. Shell growth was carried out in the same MOCVD as the core, using PH3, (TMIn), and TMGa as precursors gases.The shell growth temperature was set to 600 $\textdegree $C.

Transmission electron microscopy \textbf{TEM} and Electron Diffraction Spectroscopy \textbf{SEM} allow to investigate nanowires revealing its crystal structure: pure zinc blende, (without wurtzite segments, stacking faults, or twins).  Particularly high-resolution transmission electron microscopy showed dense fringes indicating significant strain (Fig A). 

标签: latex


您的图像和文本重叠,因为您将图像宽度指定为6cm,但您只分配了 wrapfigure 宽度.25\textwidth。你的warpfigure必须至少和你的身材一样宽。


  • 不要多次加载同一个包。
  • 不要同时指定图像的宽度和高度,这会扭曲纵横比,您可以在下面使用的鸭子图片中看到这一点。
  • 包裹times已过时,请查看 mathptmx、helvet 或 courier
  • 无需指定图像的文件扩展名。事实上,如果你只使用没有扩展名的名称,latex 会自动选择质量最好的一个,以防有多个图像具有相同的名称
  • 您已经加载了siunitx包,请也使用它来获得数字和单位之间的正确间距
  • “1 ???m 厚”看起来好像您的文档可能存在编码问题。请检查您的文件是否真的以 latin1 编码,而不是 utf8

 %  \usepackage{amsmath}

   to suppress axial growth during GaInP shell growth, the nanowire cores were taken out from the reactor and the Au seed particles were removed using a cyanide based Au etchant. Shell growth was carried out in the same MOCVD as the core, using PH3, (TMIn), and TMGa as precursors gases.The shell growth temperature was set to \SI{600}{\celsius}.
Transmission electron microscopy \textbf{TEM} and Electron Diffraction Spectroscopy \textbf{SEM} allow to investigate nanowires revealing its crystal structure: pure zinc blende, (without wurtzite segments, stacking faults, or twins).  Particularly high-resolution transmission electron microscopy showed dense fringes indicating significant strain (Fig~A). 


