首页 > 解决方案 > Redux 未正确更新状态——尽管在之前的行中添加了一个对象,但状态仍为空数组


我正在尝试使用通常的做法更新我的 React Redux 状态。您将当前状态不变地复制到返回函数中,然后覆盖将具有新值的属性。




    { webCopy: "", id: 0 },
    { webCopy: "", id: 1 }

不幸的是,尽管将复制值作为内部包含 JS 对象的新数组返回,但它是一个空数组。

我试过查看 StackOverflow 搜索结果,"react redux state not updating correctly"但似乎没有一个搜索结果符合我的情况。


case actionTypes.ADD_COMPONENT

(reducer 中的第一个)在应用程序的这一部分激活。它实际上是一个按钮点击触发



为什么我最后会得到一个空数组case actionTypes.ADD_COMPONENT

我的console.log()语句甚至显示一个 JavaScript 对象是newCopyRIGHT BEFORE I RETURN a new state 的值。

所以这里是 reducer.js。我已经上传了 COMPLETE 减速器,而不是仅仅case actionTypes.ADD_COMPONENT在发生错误的地方:

import * as actionTypes from "./constants";

let component = "";
let idIteration = null;
let stateArray = [];
let tempCopy = [];

const initialState = {
  components: [],
  uniqueIdCounter: 0,
  currentPage: 1,
  copy: [],
  siteURL: "/salespage/"

const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    // you can probably ignore everything outside of this switch statement
    // this is the important switch statement
    case actionTypes.ADD_COMPONENT:
      stateArray = [...state.components];
      console.log("state:", state);
      console.log("State Copy:", state.copy);
      component = action.payload[0]; // will be "Header", "Headline", "Text Area", "Image", "Email Field", "Footer"
      if (component === "Header") {
        // append "Header" component to the beginning of the list
          type: component,
          id: state.uniqueIdCounter
      } else {
        // push component to the end of the list
          type: component,
          id: state.uniqueIdCounter
      idIteration = state.uniqueIdCounter + 1;

      // SEND HELP. How could state.copy possibly be anything other than a JS object after these lines?
      let newCopy = [...state.copy];
      newCopy.push({ webCopy: "", id: action.payload[1] });
      console.log("TTTTTTTTT", newCopy);

      return {
        components: stateArray,
        uniqueIdCounter: idIteration,
        copy: newCopy // why doesn't this update the array to contain newCopy? it should.

    // i don't know how any of this could possibly cause my state.copy to be equal to []
    case actionTypes.SET_NEW:
      console.log("Activating SET_NEW");
      // uploads the newly reordered set of components to state
      let uploadNewOrder = [...action.payload];
      return {
        components: uploadNewOrder
    case actionTypes.DEL:
      console.log("activating DEL");
      // uploads the state less the deleted item
      let uploadShortened = [...action.payload];
      return {
        components: uploadShortened
    case actionTypes.PAGE_CHANGE:
      console.log("activating PAGE_CHANGE");

      stateArray = [...state.components];
      return {
        // action.payload is set in each page's ComponentDidMount()
        currentPage: action.payload
    case actionTypes.NEW_VAR:
      console.log("activating NEW_VAR");
      // case "NEW_VAR" fires from Customize's renderStateComponents()
      stateArray = [...state.components];
      tempCopy = Object.assign([], state.copy); // avoids the TypeError bug with [...state.copy]
      // push an empty copy datapoint to state with a unique id to use in identifying which copy goes where in interface
      let newInputFieldNumber = { webCopy: "", id: action.payload };
      return {
        components: stateArray,
        copy: tempCopy
    case actionTypes.ADD_COPY:
      console.log("activating ADD_COPY");

      tempCopy = [...state.copy]; // immutably copy state.copy
      let textToAdd = action.payload[0];
      let indexToFind = action.payload[1];

      for (let i = 0; i < tempCopy.length; i++) {
        if (tempCopy[i].id === indexToFind) {
          // Modify the JS object linked to the appropriate input field
          tempCopy[i] = { webCopy: textToAdd, id: indexToFind };
      return {
        components: stateArray,
        copy: tempCopy
    case actionTypes.SET_URL:
      console.log("activating SET_URL");

      stateArray = [...state.components];
      // TODO: handle cases like user entered www.etc.com and https://www.test.com
      let domain = action.payload;
      const notAllowed = [
      for (let i = 0; i < notAllowed.length; i++) {
        if (domain.includes(notAllowed[i])) {
          domain = domain.replace(notAllowed[i], "");
      return {
        components: stateArray,
        siteURL: "/salespage/" + domain

      return state;

export default reducer;


case actionTypes.PREP_COPY:

            let prepCopy = [...state.copy];
            prepCopy.push({ webCopy: "", id: action.payload });
            return {
                copy: prepCopy

我给了有问题的变量 ,newCopy一个唯一的名称,以便不使用全局范围。万一这很重要。

我还能显示什么其他代码?只有 reducer 可以影响 Redux 状态,除了 .ADD_COMPONENT 和(现在).PREP_COPY 之外没有其他代码在运行

编辑:根据建议,我尝试在返回状态时将扩展运算符与我的变量一起使用。如果我仅在 BOTH Reducer Actions 中使用 Spread 运算符,则该代码现在可以工作。仅在其中一个中使用它仍然会产生一个空数组。像这样:

const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case actionTypes.ADD_COMPONENT:
            // edited out some code...
            let newCopy = [...state.copy];
            newCopy.push({ webCopy: "", id: action.payload[1] });
            console.log("newCopy", newCopy);

            return {
                components: stateArray,
                uniqueIdCounter: idIteration,
                copy: [...newCopy]

        case actionTypes.PREP_COPY:
            console.log("State.copy:", state.copy);
            let prepCopy = [...state.copy];
            prepCopy.push({ webCopy: "", id: action.payload });
            console.log("PREPCOPY:", prepCopy);
            return {
                copy: [...prepCopy]

所以要么我同时使用这两个动作,要么nada。从字面上看:当我同时使用两者时,每个周期都会添加两个 JS 对象。当我只使用一个时,每个周期会添加 0 个 JS 对象。呜。

比如,我应该向 React 的团队报告错误吗?

第二次编辑:这是一个完整的代码沙箱。单击按钮时检查 console.log 语句https://codesandbox.io/s/lucid-heisenberg-iczww

标签: javascriptreactjsreduxreact-redux




  return {
    components: stateArray,
    uniqueIdCounter: idIteration,
    copy: [...newCopy]


  return {
    components: stateArray,
    uniqueIdCounter: idIteration,
    copy: [...state.copy, { webCopy: "", id: action.payload[1] }]
