首页 > 解决方案 > Pyspark: Is there a way to create a Summary table (or dataframe) by merging multiple rows into one?


I have created the following dataframe by parsing mulitple CSVs in spark. I need to group the average sales of each month per-city per-SKU per-year.


Desired output:


I have implemented the summary table creation using python dictionary, but i'm not convinced with the solution.

Here is the code snippet i tried so far: path = "s3a://bucket/city1*" cleaned_df = spark.read.format('csv').options(header='true', inferSchema='true').load(path) cleaned_df = cleaned_df.groupby(['Year','city','sku_id']).mean() cleaned_df.coalesce(1).write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").save("mydata4csv")

标签: pythonapache-sparkpysparkpyspark-sqlpyspark-dataframes


If you have a dataframe that looks like:

   avg_sales city sku_id  year
0        300    A   sku1  2017
1        210    A   sku1  2018
2        200    A   sku2  2017
3         10    A   sku2  2017
4         10    B   sku1  2017
5        190    B   sku1  2017
6        130    B   sku2  2017
7        130    B   sku2  2017
8         50    C   sku2  2017

Then you can do:

dataframe.groupby(['year', 'city', 'sku']).mean()

And get:

city sku_id year           
A    sku1   2017        300
            2018        210
     sku2   2017        105
B    sku1   2017        100
     sku2   2017        130
C    sku2   2017         50

If you share your python code I can touch up the answer to fit your case.
