首页 > 解决方案 > Datalist not displaying properly in Edge and IE11


In my .html I've a to assign some value and a datalist with 2 option :

<input autoComplete="off" 
      <datalist id="{{row.MYOBJECT}}">
            <option value="{{value}}">{{value}}</option>
            <option *ngFor="let i of arrayToParse[row.MYOBJECT]" value="{{i.MYOBJECTID}}">

In Firefox and Chrome my list displays normally, but in Edge/IE11 only one element is displayed. All data are loaded, but I need to navigate inside my option to show them. Finally, when I've all my element (after a navigation) if I search an element more specific a grey block is displayed. How can I fix this ?

All my actions for < input > are not refered inside this snippet.

Only one element is displayed at the beginning:

One element, but all loaded

A grey block is displayed when I search a more specific value:

Grey block when I search more specifically

标签: angularinternet-explorer-11microsoft-edgehtml-datalist


它看起来像 MS Edge 中的一个错误(Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0,Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.17763),我能够使用以下步骤重现它:

  1. 启动以下演示:https ://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/datalist
  2. 在“选择你的口味”输入中一个字母一个字母地输入“巧克力”这个词,然后一个一个地删除所有字符,直到一个字母都没有。出现的是输入下方的损坏数据列表,如上面的屏幕截图。
