首页 > 解决方案 > For 循环和元组树集的类型不匹配错误


我是一个新的 Scala 程序员,我遇到了一个问题。我正在编写一个函数来获取的数量当我尝试从我的 for 循环中获取值时(靠近封装在 If/Else 语句中的底部),它给了我一个类型不匹配错误。我期待一个带有 String 和 Int 的 TreeSet 元组(scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet[(String, Int)]),但它说它返回一个 Unit。


"注意:返回类型是具有 (String, Int) 类型的元组的 TreeSet。例如,给定人员列表 List(“tom”, “ann”, “rob”, “rob”, “ann” , “tom”, “pat”, “rob” “pat”, “tom”) 你的函数应该返回 TreeSet((tom,3), (rob,3))。注意:最大的骗子有一个平局,你必须返回集合中所有最大的骗子。一个名字只出现一次的列表返回一个空的 TreeSet。


  def biggestCrooks(people: List[String]): TreeSet[(String,Int)] = {

    val crooksListed = crooks(people).toList //Runs my one function that gives me the
                                         // list of criminals with more than one offense

    var numCounted = new Array[Int](crooksListed.size) // Array to hold the number of times a person name 

    for(nameIndex <- 0 until crooksListed.size){ // Counts the number of times a name appears
      val counter = people.count(_.equals(crooksListed(nameIndex))) //Stores that name in the array
      numCounted(nameIndex) = counter //Stores the num in the index associated with the name

    var largestValue = numCounted.max // Largest value in the array
    val numValues = numCounted.count(_ == largestValue) // Number of times the value appears
    var indeces : Set[Int] = Set()
    var completeList : TreeSet[(String, Int)] = TreeSet() // Completed list of all names / values

    if(numValues > 1){// Used JIC there are multiple instances of numValues
    for(i <- 0 until numCounted.length){ //If there are multiple instances, find the indeces of them
      if(numCounted(i) == largestValue)
        indeces(i)                       //add the index to the array
    val wow = indeces.toList //Converts a mutable Set to an immutable list
     for(i <- 0 until wow.size){ //iterate through the indeces and associate with names
       completeList.map(crooksListed(wow(i)), wow(i)) //Maps the values to the completeList TreeSet
       //Supposed to solve problem with mismatched types


      completeList.map(i => (crooksListed(numCounted.indexOf(largestValue)), largestValue)) //Maps the values to the TreeSet
  }// end biggestCrook


标签: scala


请记住,scala 中的每个语句都是一个表达式,每个表达式都有一个返回类型,并且应该返回一些东西。在 if else 语句的示例第一个分支中返回nothing,在 scala 中它意味着Unit类型:

if(numValues > 1){// Used JIC there are multiple instances of numValues
  for(i <- 0 until numCounted.length){ //If there are multiple instances, find the indeces of them
    if(numCounted(i) == largestValue)
      indeces(i)                       //add the index to the array
  val wow = indeces.toList //Converts a mutable Set to an immutable list
  for(i <- 0 until wow.size){ //iterate through the indeces and associate with names
    completeList.map(crooksListed(wow(i)), wow(i)) //Maps the values to the completeList TreeSet
    //Supposed to solve problem with mismatched types

// this for loop returns Unit, it just iterates on elements, and you need to add return value for compile

  completeList.map(i => (crooksListed(numCounted.indexOf(largestValue)), largestValue)) //Maps the values to the TreeSet
// in this place you return mapped cimpleteList as Tree, but be carefull it's empty


if (numValues > 1) { // Used JIC there are multiple instances of numValues
  for (i <- numCounted.indices) { //If there are multiple instances, find the indeces of them
    if (numCounted(i) == largestValue)
      indeces(i) //add the index to the array
  indeces.map(w => crooksListed(w) -> w).foldLeft(TreeSet.empty[(String, Int)]){
    case (tree, pair) => tree + pair
} else {
  completeList.map(i => (crooksListed(numCounted.indexOf(largestValue)), largestValue)) //Maps the values to the TreeSet

在这里,我通过 crooksListed 和 wow indeces 成对填充真实分支中的空树,并且该分支像错误分支一样返回 TreeSet。尝试阅读有关表达式的更多信息并尝试使用递归而不是forwhile循环。
