首页 > 解决方案 > 与水平内核卷积会产生奇怪的输出


所以我正在尝试使用看起来像这样的 3x3 水平内核来执行 2D 图像卷积,

horizontal = np.array([
                      [0, 0, 0], 
                      [-1, 0, 1], 
                      [0, 0, 0]]),


def perform_convolution(k_h, k_w, img_h, img_w, kernel, picture):
    # k_w = kernel width, k_h = kernel_height
    # img_h = image height, img_w = image width

    conv = np.zeros(picture.shape)

    for i in range(k_h, img_h - (k_h)):
        for j in range(k_w, img_w - (k_w)):
            tot = 0
            for m in range(k_h):
                for n in range(k_w):
                    tot = tot + kernel[m][n] * picture[i - (k_h) + m][j - (k_w) + n]
            conv[i][j] = tot
    return conv



或者,通过使用 PIL 的内核,我得到了这样一个适当的模糊图像,




我也尝试过分离 RGB 波段并分别对它们进行卷积,但没有结果。



标签: pythonimage-processingpython-imaging-library


Firstly the filter you are using is a gradient filter, which in this case is giving values in the range of [-255,255]. Here the main point to consider is that the value you are getting is not just magnitude, you are also pocking the direction of the edge. So, to account for this you can store the phase information i.e 0 degrees for positive value, 180 degrees for a negative value in another image. Finally while visualizing the gradient image, you can simply have a look at the magnitude of the image and know that a phase image exists that determines the direction of the gradient.

Secondly, the slightly smoothened image you are showing in the question can not be created with this kernel.

Also as a rule of thumb, when you want to apply smooth filter always make sure to have the sum of all elements in the kernel as 1.
