首页 > 解决方案 > Is there any way to convert a Rc into an Arc?


I have a graph node:

pub struct GraphNode<T>
    T: Clone,
    pub f: GraphLikeFunc<T>,
    pub m: String,
    pub children: Vec<Rc<GraphNode<T>>>,
    id: Uuid,

I'm trying to convert it to:

pub struct ConcurrentGraphNode<T>
    T: Clone,
    pub f: GraphLikeFunc<T>,
    pub m: String,
    pub children: Vec<Arc<ConcurrentGraphNode<T>>>,
    id: Uuid,

标签: concurrencyrust


You cannot do such a thing without rebuilding the whole graph. The main difference between Rc and Arc is that Rc does not implement Send and Sync while Arc does.

Those guarantees are checked at compile-time, so there is no way to switch directly between those two at runtime: you have to consume your GraphNode to build a ConcurrentGraphNode from scratch.
