首页 > 解决方案 > 函数删除不应该删除的行


当我执行此操作时,它将删除“精炼”行,当我将此功能注释掉时,“精炼”行不会被删除。我继承了这段代码,并且我将每个部分都添加到了“精炼”中,因为我试图添加除“gas”和“oil”之外的额外产品,但我真的不知道 VBA 或编程。我一直在尝试它,除了本节之外,它大部分都在工作。



This function checks the Current Prices tab for any columns that are duplicates of the day before or weekends and deletes the column
Function PricesCleanup() As Boolean

    Dim r, c As Integer
    Dim removeCount As Integer
    Dim removeColumn As Boolean
    Dim isGas, isOil, isRefined As Boolean

    removeCount = 0

    Do Until IsEmpty(ws_currentprices.Cells(COMMODITY_ROW, c)) 'check every col of prices
        'Start at the row of the first date and reset remove flag
        r = FIRSTDATE_ROW
        removeColumn = True

        'Check each column, at least until there is a discrepancy between prices so we know it's not a holiday
        Do Until ((r > 12 And IsEmpty(ws_currentprices.Cells(r, c))) Or r > 60 Or Not removeColumn)
            'If the prices don't match, we know it's not a holiday
            If (ws_currentprices.Cells(r, c) <> ws_currentprices.Cells(r, c + 1)) Then
                'If the first row is empty or matches second row, it's likely due to near EoM index shifting and requires special handling
                If r = FIRSTDATE_ROW Then
                    If IsEmpty(ws_currentprices.Cells(r, c)) Then
                        'Oil index swap
                        removeColumn = False
                    End If
                    If (ws_currentprices.Cells(r, c) = ws_currentprices.Cells(r + 1, c) And ws_currentprices.Cells(MARKETTYPE_ROW, c) = "Gas") Then
                        'Gas index swap so clear cell and allow to continue but only if within the last few workdays of the month
                        If (DateDiff("d", WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(ws_currentprices.Cells(r, BUCKET_COL), -1), ws_currentprices.Cells(ASOFDATE_ROW, c)) > -3) Then
                            ws_currentprices.Cells(r, c).ClearContents
                        End If
                    End If
                    'Not index related and no match, so don't remove column
                    removeColumn = False
                End If
            End If
            r = r + 1

        'Check for weekend dates or dates from prior month
        If Weekday(ws_currentprices.Cells(ASOFDATE_ROW, c)) = 1 Or Weekday(ws_currentprices.Cells(ASOFDATE_ROW, c)) = 7 Or Month(ws_currentprices.Cells(ASOFDATE_ROW, c)) <> Month(ws_currentprices.Cells(ASOFDATE_ROW, BUCKET_COL)) Then
            removeColumn = True
        End If

        'Remove column if flagged
        If removeColumn Then
            removeCount = removeCount + 1
            c = c - 1
        End If

        'Copy up spot price
        If Not IsEmpty(ws_currentprices.Cells(FIRSTDATE_ROW, c)) Then
            ws_currentprices.Cells(SPOT_ROW, c) = ws_currentprices.Cells(FIRSTDATE_ROW, c)
        ElseIf Not IsEmpty(ws_currentprices.Cells(FIRSTDATE_ROW + 1, c)) Then
            ws_currentprices.Cells(SPOT_ROW, c) = ws_currentprices.Cells(FIRSTDATE_ROW + 1, c)
            ws_currentprices.Cells(SPOT_ROW, c) = ""
        End If

        c = c + 1

    'Check if any columns are left and return bool value
    isGas = False
    isOil = False
    isRefined = False
    Do Until IsEmpty(ws_currentprices.Cells(COMMODITY_ROW, c))
        If (ws_currentprices.Cells(MARKETTYPE_ROW, c) = "Gas") Then
            isGas = True
        ElseIf (ws_currentprices.Cells(MARKETTYPE_ROW, c) = "Oil") Then
            isOil = True
        ElseIf (ws_currentprices.Cells(MARKETTYPE_ROW, c) = "Refined") Then
            isRefined = True
        End If

        c = c + 1

    If (isGas And isOil And isRefined) Then
        PricesCleanup = True
        PricesCleanup = False
    End If

End Function

标签: excelvba

