首页 > 解决方案 > 如何根据多个条件显示值?





如果Optionbutton A选中,并且textbox A值为 1、4 或 10,textbox B则将显示蓝色。但如果textbox A值为 2、3、5 或 9,textbox B则将显示绿色。

示例 2。

Optionbutton B,textbox A值为 1, 3, 4, 10 或 12,则textbox B显示蝴蝶。但如果textbox A值为 2、5、7,textbox B则将显示 Caterpie。

添加了注释,我不知道表单是否可能,但如果用户要在选项框之间切换,那么文本框 B 会相应地改变。

Private Sub txtboxA_Change()

Dim txtboxA As String
Dim Colourarray As Variant

Blue = Array("1", "4", "10")

Me.txtboxA.MaxLength = 2

'If OptA is selected then pick colour based on textbox value

If Me.OptA.Value = True And Me.txtboxA.Value = "1" Then 'This bit seemed to work, but once I copied this for every number which needs to show green, vba got unhappy at me. 
'If Me.OptA.Value = True And Me.txtboxA.Value = "1", "4", "10" Then
'If Me.optA.Value = True And (Poort = "1", "4", "10") Then
'If Me.txtboxA.Value = Colourarray And Me.optA.Value = True Then
Me.txtboxB.Value = "Blue"
End If
End Sub

标签: excelvbamultiple-conditions


这使用选择案例而不是 if。

Private Sub txtboxA_Change()

    Dim txtboxA As String
    Dim optionchoice As Long

    Me.txtboxA.MaxLength = 2

    'option A = 1; option B = 2
    If Me.optA.Value = True Then 'Easier to do a select case on optionchoice over option button
        optionchoice = 1
    ElseIf Me.optB.Value = True Then
        optionchoice = 2
    End If

    Select Case optionchoice 'Based on Option Button selection
        Case 1 'Option A
            Select Case Me.txtboxA.Value 'Based on Text Box value
                Case 1, 4, 10
                    Me.txtBoxB.Value = "Blue"
                Case 2, 3, 5, 9
                    Me.txtBoxB.Value = "Green"
            End Select
        Case 2 'Option B
            Select Case Me.txtboxA.Value
                Case 1, 3, 4, 10, 12
                    Me.txtBoxB.Value = "Butterfly"
                Case 2, 5, 7
                    Me.txtBoxB.Value = "Caterpie"
            End Select
        End Select

End Sub
