首页 > 解决方案 > 用户窗体中的 DateDiff 公式




Private Sub TextBox20_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    'check date format
    With TextBox20
        If IsDate(TextBox20.Text) Then 'Format as desired.
            TextBox20.Text = Format(CDate(TextBox20.Text), "Dddd, d Mmm yyyy", vbMonday)
            TextBox20.Text = "" 'Clear the TextBox
            MsgBox "Por favor, ingresar una fecha valida."
            Cancel = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox21_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    'check date format
    With TextBox21
        If IsDate(TextBox21.Text) Then 'Format as desired.
            TextBox21.Text = Format(CDate(TextBox21.Text), "Dddd, d Mmm yyyy", vbMonday)
            TextBox21.Text = "" 'Clear the TextBox
            MsgBox "Por favor, ingresar una fecha valida."
            Cancel = True
            Exit Sub
        End If    
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox22_AfterUpdate()
TextBox22.Value = DateDiff("d", CDate(TextBox20.Value), CDate(TextBox21.Value), vbMonday)    
End Sub

我认为这是因为我有 TextBoxes.Text和 not .Value,但没有任何变化。

标签: vbadateuserformdatediff






Option Explicit

Private Type TThis
    StartDate As Date
    EndDate   As Date
End Type
Dim this      As TThis


  • Sub CheckDays()DateDiff根据上面声明的类型结构中的条目计算。它与您的代码不同,因为每次退出文本框输入后都会调用计算函数。
  • Function getDateString()尝试通过调整可能导致错误日期转换的格式结果来使 TextBox 字符串可转换为 Date 类型。在调用计算IsDate()之前,在文本框的事件过程中进行最终检查。CheckDays
Private Sub CheckDays()
' Purpose: calculate DateDiff and enter result into TextBox22
' Note   : called by TextBox20_Exit|TextBox21_Exit events
If this.StartDate > 0 And this.EndDate >= this.StartDate Then
    TextBox22.Text = DateDiff("d", this.StartDate, this.EndDate, vbMonday)
End If
End Sub

Private Function getDateString(ByVal txt As String) As String
' Purpose: make (TextBox) string convertible to Date type, if possible
   'a) remove leading day names (e.g. "Wednesday, 1 Jan 2020" ~> "1 Jan 2020")
    If InStr(txt, ",") > 0 Then txt = Split(txt, ",")(1)
   'b) add current year if missing (e.g. "1.1." ~> "1.1.2020")
    If Not IsDate(txt) Then
        If IsDate(txt & " " & Year(Now)) Then txt = txt & " " & Year(Now)
    End If
    getDateString = txt                     ' return function result
End Function



  • 通过DateString`getDateString() 分配以提供可转换的日期字符串以及
  • CheckDays计算的过程调用DateDiff并将结果输入到TextBox22.


Private Sub TextBox20_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
With TextBox20
    Dim DateString As String
    DateString = getDateString(.Text)       'Make TextBox string convertible to Date type.

    'check date format
    If IsDate(DateString) Then              'Format as desired.
        this.StartDate = CDate(DateString)  'Remember date (Date type).
        .Text = Format(this.StartDate, "Dddd, d Mmm yyyy", vbMonday)
        CheckDays                           '<< Call procedure to calculate DateDiff.
        .Text = ""                          'Clear the TextBox string
        this.EndDate = 0
        MsgBox "Por favor, ingresar una fecha valida."
        Cancel = True
        Exit Sub
    End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox21_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
With TextBox21
    Dim DateString As String
    DateString = getDateString(.Text)       'Make TextBox string convertible to Date type.

    'check date format
    If IsDate(DateString) Then              'Format as desired.
        this.EndDate = CDate(DateString)    'Remember date (Date type).
        .Text = Format(this.EndDate, "Dddd, d Mmm yyyy", vbMonday)
        CheckDays                           '<< call procedure to calculate DateDiff
        .Text = ""                          'Clear the TextBox string
        this.EndDate = 0
        MsgBox "Por favor, ingresar una fecha valida."
        Cancel = True
        Exit Sub
    End If
End With
End Sub
