首页 > 解决方案 > 尽管被进一步传递,但在函数中创建的对象会消失




class Foo: NSObject, AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate {
    func bar() {
        let out = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput()
        let delegate = Foo() //nonsensical in this case, in normal case diff. object will be used
        out.startRecording(to: /*...*/, recordingDelegate: delegate)

        //Result: delegate methods are never called


class Foo: NSObject, AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate {
    func bar() {
        let out = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput()
        out.startRecording(to: /*...*/, recordingDelegate: self)

        //Result: delegate methods are called when approperiate


这个问题源于AVCaptureMovieFileOutput never call delegate on screen recording

标签: swiftsyntaxgarbage-collection


大多数委托是weak为了不创建保留周期,请参阅自动引用计数 (ARC)。其中大部分是假设您正在使用的委托存储是weak.

在您的第一个示例中,对对象的唯一强引用由 function 持有bar,因为委托是弱引用。一旦函数结束,唯一剩下的强引用就消失了,对象就可以被删除了。

class Foo: NSObject, AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate {
    func bar() {
        let out = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput()
        let delegate = Foo() //object created, and strong reference stored in variable called delegate
        out.startRecording(to: /*...*/, recordingDelegate: delegate) // object passed in and likely stored in a weak variable inside of the `out` object. This means it will not keep a strong reference to your Foo object.

        //Result: delegate methods are never called
    }// local variable called delegate goes out of scope, strong reference to your Foo object goes away, there are no more strong references, can be deleted.


class Foo: NSObject, AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate {
    func bar() {
        let out = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput()
        out.startRecording(to: /*...*/, recordingDelegate: self) // pass `self`, which presumably has something else referencing it with a strong reference, so it stays alive

        //Result: delegate methods are called when approperiate
    } // `self` still has strong references to it (somewhere else) keeping it alive after the function call, so the weak reference that is being used to call the delegate methods can still operate! Yay!




至于失败的静默,在很多情况下,委托是可选的,委托为 nil 和委托函数没有被调用不被认为是失败。很多时候,函数是delegate?.delegateMethod()故意调用的,这样如果你想要一个委托,就会调用这个函数,如果你不想有委托,它不会引起问题。
