首页 > 解决方案 > C 中的 Downheap 实现


我有DownheapC 语言的源代码,它将在不违反堆属性的情况下向下移动元素(每个节点的值大于/小于或等于其父节点的值,最小/最大值元素位于root.) 在树的任何节点上。

downheap(int k)
    int temp, i;
    temp = a[k];
    while(k <= N/2)
        i = 2*k;
        if(i < N && a[i] < a[i+1]) i++;
        if(temp > a[i]) break;
        a[k] = a[i]; k = i;
    a[k] = temp;


标签: calgorithmdata-structures


downheap(int k) // k is the index of the item in the heap 
  int temp, i;
  temp = a[k]; // Use temp to store the item
  while (k <= N / 2) // Make sure that we don't get outside of the heap boundaries
    i = 2 * k; // Helper line to be used as an index for the children of the node
    if (i < N && a[i] < a[i + 1]) i++; // check which of the children is 
    // Bigger to exchange with the item
    if (temp > a[i]) break; // Item already in-place
    a[k] = a[i];
    k = i; // Exchange item with the children we found to be the biggest
  a[k] = temp; // Put the item in its correct position

